A pictorial history of the silent screen (1953)

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U ^v.^ BETTY COMPSON (PARAMOUNT) EUGENE O'BRIEN (SELZNICK) IRENE RICH, WILL ROGERS IN 'JES' CALL ME JIM" (GOLDWYN) PAULINE FREDERICK, CASSON FERGUSON IN "MADAME X" (GOLDWYN) 1920 C-IAID BARKER DIRECTS BARBARA CASTLETON AND B-LL SIMPSON IN "THE BRANDING IRON" (GOLDWYN) Buster Keaton was a comer, while Ben Turpin was starring his way to fame in Sennett's comedies. Bert Lytell was doing notably good work, and so was Wallace Reid. Eugene O'Brien, Owen Moore, Jack Holt, Harrison Ford, Charles Ray, Antonio Moreno, Tom Moore, Herbert Rawlinson— all good actors, enjoyed wide favor. Geraldine Farrar continued to interest but she never touched the heights of popularity she reached in her first picture, "Carmen." Nazimova was suffering from poor stories. Clara Kimball Young, Norma Talmadge, Anita Stewart, Ethel Clayton, Blanche Sweet, held their exalted positions. Gloria Swanson, once only a beautiful woman with strange clothes and coiffures, was learning how to act. Marion Davies, too, was acquiring more than one emotion. BARBARA CASTLETON, JAMES KIRKWOOD IN "THE BRANDING IRON" (GOLDWYN) MABEL NORMAND, TULLY MARSHALL IN "THE SLIM PRINCESS" (GOLDWYN) HAZEL DALY, TOM MOORE IN "STOP THIEF" (GOLDWYN)