A pictorial history of the silent screen (1953)

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i ■ Js'l .11 < m if % '«* a ifLACE RE DROTHY R FROM ID, GLORIA SWANSON, ELLIOTT DEXTER CUMMINGS, WALLACE REID, ELLIOTT DEXTER 'DON'T TELL EVERYTHING" (PARAMOUNT) GARETH HUGHES IN "SENTIMENTAL TOMMY" (PARAMOUNT) pi' CARR if, PX) I \ LLOYD HUGHES (INCE) >.=> Q GARETH HUGHES, MAY McAVOY, MABEL TALIAFERRO, KEMPTON GREENE. Above: May McAVOY, GARETH HUGHES SCENES FROM "SENTIMENTAL TOMMY" (PARAMOUNT) Both Paramount and Vitagraph filmed a version of James M. Barrie's "The Little Minister." His "Sentimental Tommy" was also made into a delightful film in which Gareth Hughes gave a glowing performance. Gloria Swanson was reigning queen at Paramount while Wallace Reid was undisputed king, with Thomas Meighan runner-up. Corinne Griffith was progressing, and so was "Hoot" Gibson. The top producers were Paramount, First National, Goldwyn and Metro. Fox divided its releases between "big specials" and their regular cheap dramas. Pathe was still making serials and releasing Harold Lloyd's pictures. Selznick curbed its production activities. Universal and Robertson-Cole turned out the usual melodramas. Vitagraph was slowly passing out of the picture. ffc. [ yV NATALIE TALMADGE (FIRST NATIONAL) JAMES RENNIE (PARAMOUNT) W #i3*«fe *f%> ^n ►i * . MABEL NORMAND JACK MULHALL IN "MOLLY O" (ASSOCIATED PRODUCERS) k ^ * & \ * ■M? ( \ < W ELSIE FERGUSON, WALLACE REID W'HHg™vESETaE^ MACK JOHN DAVIDSON< MILDRED HARRIS' CONRAD NAGEL Above. DOLORES CASSINELLI, PAUL McALLISTER, ELLIOTT DEXTER : S NES FROM D. W cSlTH ['5 "DREA^ STREET" IN "F°°L'S pARADISE" (PARAMOUNT) BARBARA DEAN, WALLACE REID, ELSIE FERGUSON I, CHILDR REN: NELL ROY BUCK, CHARLES EATON IN "FOREVER" (PARAMOUNT)