A pictorial history of the silent screen (1953)

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1 "Dangerous Maid, The," 230, 243 "Dangerous Money," 261 Daniels, Bebe, 107, 108, 127, 157, 168, 169, 172, 196, 197, 210, 218, 219, 222, 233, 236, 256, 260, 261, 291. 294, 313 Daniels, Frank, 83, 107 Daniels, Mickey, 223, 298 "Dante's Inferno." 22, 25, 255, 264 D'Arcy, Camille. 83, 85 D'Arcv, Roy. 276, 284, 318 "Daredevil Jack," 189 "Dark Angel, The," 276 "Dark Lantern, A," 173 "Dark Star, The," 169 Darkfeather, Mona, 30 Darling. Grace, 121, 141 Darling. Ida, 59 Darling, Jean, 298 Darmond, Grace, 83, 120 Darro, Frankie, 279, 288 Darrow, John, 304. 313 D'Arvil. Vola, 278 Darwell, Jane, 53, 60 Daugherty, Jack, 284, 312 "Daughter of Luxury, A," 224 "Daughter of Maryland, A," 139 "Daughter of the City, A," 85 "Daughter of the Gods. A." 98 "Daughters of the Rich." 246 Daven, Andre, 256 Davenport, Alice. 23 Davenport, Dorothy, 23, 245, 267 Davesnes, Edouard, 53 "David Copperfield," 25 "David Garrick." 116 "David Harum," 69 Davidson, John, 104, 211. 237 Davidson, William B., 140 Davies, Howard, 116 Davies, Marion, 137, 169, 195, 197, 209, 218, 219, 228, 238. 255, 268, 269, 280, 290, 301, 304, 311, 319 Davis, Jackie. 298 Davis, Mildred, 179. 199, 209, 216 Daw, Marjorie, 129, 173. 309 Dawn, Hazel, 49. 69. 70, 101. 102. 103, 127, 135, 144, 209 "Dawn of Tomorrow, The." 265 "Day Dreams," 214, 227 Day, Alice, 287 Day, Edith, 163 Day, Juliette, 139 Day. Marceline, 287, 289, 291, 306 Day, Shannon, 227 "Davs of Buffalo Bill, The." 214, 228, 237 "Day's Pleasure, A," 181 Dayton, Frank, 29 "Dead Men Tell No Tales," 192 "Deadline At 11." 192 Dean, Barbara, 211 Dean, Hector, 28 Dean, Jack, 101 Dean, Julia, 92, 93. 97. 118, 147 Dean, Priscilla, 160, 181, 191, 206, 228, 236 De Beranger, Andre, 240 De Brulier, Nisei, 299 "Deception," 204, 208 "Declassee," 275, 281 De Cordoba, Pedro, 72. 73, 99, 131, 137, 167 "Deep Purple, The," 94, 199 "Deerslayer, The," 21, 25 "Defenseless America," 83 De Garde, Adele, 10, 167 De Grasse, Sam, 98, 180 de Grey. Svd, 82 De Groff. Etta, 112 De Haven, Mr. & Mrs. Carter, 190. 198 De Lacy, Philippe. 279, 284 De La Motte, Marguerite, 205, 206. 226, 248 Delaney, Charles. 293 Delaney, Leo. 22. 23, 28 Delaro, Hattie. 176, 268 "Delicious Little Devil, The," 180 Del Rio, Dolores, 287, 294, 300, 301. 307, 321 De Mille, Cecil B., 53, 101, 171, 197. 218, 231, 232, 239, 243, 265. 269, 283, 284, 293, 314, 315 De Mille, William, 243, 265, 269 Dempsey, Jack, 189, 190, 192. 193, 263 Dempster, Carol, 98, 174, 175, 177, 207, 211, 239, 257, 267, 275 Denny, Reginald, 198, 199. 208, 209, 214, 229, 253, 272, 276, 282, 301 DePew, Joseph, 278 De Putti, Lva, 292, 293, 297 "Derelict, The," 88 De Remer, Rubye, 148, 149, 203 De Roche, Charles, 232, 235. 236, 259, 275 "Desert Man, The," 117 "Deserter, The," 118 Deshon, Florence, 155 Deslys, Gaby, 69, 157 Desmond, William, 96, 117, 118, 144, 146, 162, 190, 199, 210, 224, 237 Desni, Xenia, 288 "Desperate Trails," 206 "Destruction," 105 "Devil, The," 205 "Devil Dancer, The," 314 "Devil Dodger, The," 146 "Devil's Darling, The," 76, 77 "Devil's Pass Key, The," 191 DeVore, Dorothy, 189, 212, 245 "Devotion," 209 De Vries, Henri, 143 Dexter, Elliott, 70, 100, 103, 126, 129, 131. 156. 168, 172, 176, 178, 198, 210. 211, 229, 239, 266, 300 "Diamond From the Sky. The." 81 Diamond, Grace, 264 "Dick Turpin," 282 Dickson, Dorothy, 212 Dickson, Laurie, 8 "Dictator, The," 222 Dillon, Eddie, 10, 20, 95 Dillon, John Webb, 105 "Dinty," 188 "Diplomacy." 103 Di Sancro, Elena, 282 "Discard. The," 110 Disney, Walt. 321 "Disraeli." 205 "Divine Lady, The," 316 "Divine Woman, The," 319 "Divorcee. The," 181, 182 Dix, Richard, 178, 199. 206, 208, 230, 231, 232. 238, 260, 269, 272, 293, 301, 303 Dixey. Henry E., 92 "Dixie Mother, A," 17 Dixon, Charles, 140 Dixon, Thomas, 67 "Docks of New York. The," 321 "Doctor Jack," 223 "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," 39, 41, 197. 199 "Does It Pay?", 245 "Dog of the Regiment, A," 304 "Dog's Life, A," 158, 160 "Doll's House, A," 214, 224 "Dolly of the Dailies," 49 Dolly Sisters, 153, 154 "Don Caesar De Bazan," 82 "Don Juan," 286, 289, 291 "Don Q. Son of Zorro," 271, 275 "Don Quixote," 97 Donnelly, Dorothy, 116 Donohue, Joe. 138 "Don't Change Your Husband," 168, 171 "Don't Tell Everything," 211 "Dora." 78 Doraldina, 157 Doro, Marie, 69. 70, 100, 101, 103, 118, 128, 129. 174, 176, 177 "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall," 255, 266, 269 D'Orsay, Lawrence, 155 "Double Speed," 196 "Doubling For Romeo," 208 Douglas. Tom, 203, 226 "Dove, The," 303, 309, 317, 321 Dove, Billie, 215, 229, 243, 247, 258, 262, 283, 288, 303, 309, 311, 317 Dovey, Alice, 69 Dowling, Joseph, 169, 230 "Down On The Farm," 190 "Down To Earth," 125 "Down To The Sea in Ships," 235, 250 Downs, Johnny, 298 "Drag Harlan," 193 "Dragon's Claw, The," 77 "Dramatic Mistake, A," 50 "Dream Girl, The," 103 "Dream Street," 211 "Dress Parade," 305, 314 Dresser. Louise, 97, 229, 236, 267, 270, 272 Dressier, Marie, 27, 55, 58, 83, 123, 148, 152, 304, 312 Drew, John, 27 Drew, Lillian. 42, 56 Drew. Roland, 292, 305, 321 Drew. Mr. & Mrs. Sidney, 22, 61, 84. 107, 122, 167 Drew, S. Rankin, 61, 83, 138, 153 "Driven," 248 "Drums of Fate, The," 246 "Drums of Love," 317, 318 "Du Barry," 75, 143 Dubrey. Claire, 180 "Dulcy," 243 "Dumb Girl of Portici, The," 92 "Dummy, The," 128 Dumont. Gene, 261 Dumont, J. M., 169 Dunaew, Nicholas, 145 Dunbar, Dorothy. 278, 286 Dunbar, Helen, 29, 52, 85 Duncan, Bud, 107, 111 Duncan, Mary, 323 Duncan, Rosetta, 305 Duncan, Vivian, 305 Duncan, William, 44. 150, 176, 212 Dunn, Emma, 190 Dunn, Josephine, 305, 321 Dunn, William R., 28 DuPont, Miss. 212, 229, 249, 267 Durfee, Minta, 89, 128 Duryea, George. 258 Duse, Eleanora, 98 "Dust of Desire," 240 "Dust of Egypt," 84 Duval, Paulette, 256 Dwan, Allan, 24, 41, 265 Dwan, Dorothy, 259, 275 "Eagle, The," 270 "Eagle of The Sea, The," 292 "Eagle's Mate, The," 52 Eagles, Jeanne, 111, 115, 136, 166, 312 Eagles, Oscar, 80 Eames, Clare, 266 Earle, Edward. 109, 111, 265 "Easiest Way, The." 147 "East Is West," 214, 227 "East Lynne," 275 "Easy Street," 115, 140 "Easy To Make Money," 182 Eaton, Charles, 21 1 "Ebbtide." 223 Eclair Company. 31 Eddy, Helen Jerome, 116, 129, 237, 304 Edeson, Robert, 54, 64, 91, 111, 253, 260, 316 "Edgar Allan Poe." 14 "Edge of the Abyss, The," 96 Edison Company. 9, 14, 25, 33, 49. 83. 92, 155 Edison, Thomas A.. 6, 7 Edmundson, Al, 252 "Education of Mr. Pipp, The," 59 Edwards, Snitz, 279 "Efficiency Edgar's Courtship," 136 Egan, Gladys, 10 Eilers, Sally, 316. 322 Ekman. Gosta, 292 Eldridge, Charles, 164 Eldridge, Florence, 253 "Electric House, The," 227 Elling, Marie, 64 Elliott. Frank, 218 Elliott, Gertrude, 76, 77 Elliott, Maxine, 148, 149, 160 Elliott, William, 63. 69, 77 Ellis, Robert. 177. 193, 224 Elmer. Billy, 54 "Elmo The Mighty," 180 Eltinge, Julian, 128, 148, 152, 163, 275 Elvidge, June, 112. 159, 201 Emerson, John, 52, 118 Emery, Gilbert, 203 Empey, Guy, 156 Empress, Marie, 95 "Empty Hands," 261 "Enchanted Cottage, The," 258 "Enchantment," 115, 209 "Enemies of Women," 238 "Enemy, The," 114, 307 "Enemy To The King, An," 114 "Enfoldment, The." 1 87_. 188 "Engineer's Sweetheart," 17 "Enoch Arden," 25, 88 "Enter Madame," 229 "Environment," 139 Errol, Leon, 275, 282 "Erstwhile Susan," 173 "Escape, The," 82 "Escape of Gene Dolan, The," 39 Essanay Film Co., 9. 25, 33, 56. 83, 86, 89, 95, 111, 115. 120, 137, 155 Estabrook, Howard, 53, 81, 120, 121 "Eternal City, The," 69, 242 "Eternal Flame, The," 215, 227 "Eternal Grind, The," 103 "Eternal Love," 322 "Eternal Mother, The," 32 "Eternal Question, The," 104 "Eternal Sin, The," 147 "Eternal Temptress, The," 130 Ethier, Alphonse, 16 "Evangeline," 174 Evans, Frank, 14, 237 Evans, Madge. 68. 100, 112, 147, 258, 266 Evers, Arthur, 30 "Everybody's Sweetheart," 194 "Everywoman," 172 "Evil Eye, The," 127 "Excess Baggage," 321 "Exciters, The," 233 "Exit Smiling," 294 "Experience," 210 "Exploits of Elaine, The," 80, 81 "Eye For Eye," 154 "Eyes of Youth," 177 Eyeton, Bessie, 35, 42, 49, 51, 111 "Fables in Slang," 137 "Face in the Moonlight, The," 95 "Fair Co-ed, The," 311 Fair, Elinor, 202, 248, 250, 293 Fairbanks, Douglas, 27, 96, 97. 118. 124, 125, 152, 153, 164, 171, 173, 185, 201, 205, 206, 208, 212, 219, 221, 255, 257, 265, 271, 276, 288, 297, 310 Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 236, 238, 243, 273, 279, 305, 322. 323 Fairbanks Twins, (Madeleine & Marion) 126, 216 Fairbanks, William. 229 Fairchild, Dorothy, 94 Faire, Virginia Brown, 220, 227, 246, 283 "Faithful to the Finish," 95 "Fall Of A Nation, The," 98 "Fall Of The Romanoffs, The." 129, 131 "False Colors," 60 "Famous Mrs. Fair, The," 248 Famous Players Co., 27, 35, 39, 49, 54, 69, 81, 83, 101, 105 Farina, 298 Farley, Dot, 22 Farnum. Dustin, 53, 54, 72, 74, 75, 96, 97, 116, 118, 131, 144, 179, 180 Farnum, Franklvn, 122 Farnum, William, 49, 51, 53, 78. 107. 144, 160, 171, 174, 193, 201, 229 Farrar, Geraldine, 72, 73, 78, 99, 100, 101, 125, 128, 130, 160, 161, 178, 181, 194, 195, 207 Farrell, Charles, 274, 281, 300, 303, 308, 309, 316, 321 Farrington, Adele, 62, 100 "Fascinating Youth," 292 "Fascination," 214 "Fatal Ring, The," 150 "Fatty and Mabel Adrift," 89 "Fatty in Coney Island." 135 "Fatty's Flirtation," 43 "Faust," 25, 292 Faust, Martin, 18 Faversham. William, 93, 207 "Favorite Fool, A." 97 Fawcett, George. 148. 155, 211, 236, 246, 261 Faye, Julia, 145, 168, 210, 260, 293 Fazenda, Louise, 33, 36, 89, 109, 132, 134, 190, 226, 246, 292. 307, 320 "Fazil," 316 Fealy, Maude, 59 Fearnlev, Jane, 23 "Feast of Life, The," 112 Feder, I., 68 "Feet of Clay," 260 Fehr. Fritz, 204 Feldman, Gladys, 261 Fellowes. Rockcliffe, 147, 173, 314 Fenton, Leslie, 292 Fenwick, Irene, 102, 144 Ferguson, Casson, 189, 195. 236 Ferguson, Elsie, 27, 125, 131, 167. 171, 199, 205, 208. 211. 215, 223 Ferguson, Helen, 122, 136. 193. 214, 244, 267 Ferguson, Myrtle, 305 Ferris, Audrey, 323 "Fickle Fanny's Fall," 89 Field, George, 83, 88 Fielding, Romaine, 35 Fields, Lew, 95, 283 Fields, W. C, 76, 77, 268, 275, 290, 294, 297, 320 "Fifteen Minutes From Broadway," 189 "Fig Leaves," 300 "Fight and Win," 263 "Fighting Blade, The," 243 "Fighting Blood," 20. 245. 301 "Fighting Chance, The," 197 "Fighting Eagle, The," 305, 314 "Fighting Odds, The," 148 "Fighting Trail. The," 150 Figman, Max, 52, 54, 77 "Figures Don't Lie," 313 Fillmore, Clyde, 191. 212 "Final Judgement, The," 93 Finch, Flora, 10, 17, 22, 24, 28, 62, 300, 304, 307 "Find Your Man," 266 Fine Arts Co., 118 "Fine Feathers," 201 Finlavson, Jimmy. 89 "Firechief's Daughter, The," 17 "Firefly of Tough Luck, The," 146 "Firelight." 44 First National Co., 125, 160, 163, 179, 208, 211. 229, 255 Fischer, George, 39, 53, 139 Fischer, Margarita. 41. 49. 88, 89. 107, 119, 139, 152, 153, 155, 190, 212, 304, 305 "Fisher Folks," 20 Fisher, Sallie, 111 Fiske, Mrs., 35, 36, 83 "Fit To Fight," 152 Fitzgerald, Cissy, 61, 114, 301 Fitzgerald, Dallas. 203 Fitzmaurice, George, 265, 276 Fitzroy, Emily, 248, 274, 292, 297, 318 Flaherty, Robert J., 39, 214, 215, 324 "Flame of the Desert," 178 "Flame of the Yukon, The," 146, 290 "Flaming Youth," 245 "Flapper, The," 194 "Fleet's In, The." 321 Fleming, Victor. 294 "Flesh and the Devil." 303. 312 Flimm, Florence. 156 "Flirting With Death," 51 "Floor Below, Tlie," 161 "Floorwalker, The," 115 Flugrath, Edna, 41 "Flying Colors," 146 "Flying Fists," 269 Flynn, Maurice, 202, 203, 212, 220, 236. 246. 260, 261 "Fool, The," 265 "Fool There Was, A," 78, 79 "Foolish Wives," 215, 229 "Fool's Paradise," 211, 218 "Foote, Courtenay, 74, 101, 205, 266 "Footfalls," 203 "Footlights," 208 "For Better, For Worse," 168, 171 "For Heaven's Sake," 297 "For Husbands Only," 157 "For Liberty," 120 "For The Defense," 103 "For The Flag." 34 "For The Love of Mike," 310, 314 "For Woman's Favor," 265 Forbes, Ralph. 286, 291, 295, 301, 307 Forbes-Robertson, J., 76. 77. 129. 136 "Forbidden City. The," 156 "Forbidden Paradise," 262 "Forbidden Paths," 126 Ford, Arthur. 119 Ford, Francis, 48, 49, 81, 150 Ford, Harrison, 119, 156, 166, 170, 179, 195, 201, 205, 207. 209. 227, 231, 238, 268, 272, 291, 305, 314 Ford, James, 301 327 j