Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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JANUARY 1924 Picture s and Picture $uer You pay nothing for an Aladdin until you have proved its worth You simply ask us to send you an Aladdin Mantle Lamp. . . . You keep it for 10 days and put it to all the tests you like. At the end of that time, if you are not absolutely convinced that it is the most economical incandescent light you have ever seen — just return it to us. Purely to prove to you the advantage of this new incandescent light, we invite you to test it. . . . We do not expect a penny from you until you are sure that it is the best lamp you could possibly buy. Write to-day for full particulars of our 10 DAYS' FREE TRIAL OFFER This is the lamp which is offered on 10 days' free trial The Aladdin burns common paraffin, yet radiates 80 candle power, pure, soft, white incandescent light — the best and least harmful known to science. Lights at the wick like an ordinary lamp and burns without noise. No smoke or smell. No pumping up — cannot explode. Can be carried safely from room to room. Simple to use ; nothing to get out of order. Extremely economical, because it burns 94 per cent. air. Proved to cost less than Jd. an hour. A&tddin. MANTLE LAMPS GET YOURS FREE.— We want one user in each locality to whom customers can be referred. In that way you may get your own without cost. Be the fortunate one to write first for 10 days' free trial and learn how to get one free. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED to demonstrate the Aladdin in territory where oil lamps are used. Experience unnecessary. Let us show you how to earn £100 a month. Write quickly for territory and samples. ALADDIN INDUSTRIES, LIMITED, 131, ALADDIN BUILDINGS, 136, Southwark Street, LONDON, S.E.1. West End Showrooms, 48, Mortimer Street, near Oxford Circus, W. I . %iss CefiaBird CJAo starred in FTiarried Love " tnat areyhr/na/ient Because they are PAMOIL WAVES by ALDWORTH & CO. (Inventors of Pamoil Permanent Waving). The genuine PAMOIL Treatment is the latest and most wonderful method of Permanent Hair Waving. PAMOIL WAVING is as comfortable as a scalp massage. No TUBES, STEAMING I'ADS, STRINGS, 1'I.IERS, SCISSORS, or BORAX are used, and the actual tunc of heating ia but SIX MINI I I FRONT WAVINGS/™,, 35/" Operated by skilled experts, each one with at Icasi ti n years' actual experience under the personal supervision of Mr G Utl worth, win. ha«. been originating and developing this difficult art fiif over seventeen year* PAMOL PAMOL SHAMPOO POWDERS are ideal for ctauiftinil .mil improvim: the hair, making it soft and lu»trou>. Prepared Specially for perms ncntly waved head", they have proved perfect for any hair. No. 1. Standard. No. 2. Henna. No. 3. Ca«no mile. No. 4. Henna and momF«t fr« 3 for 1/3 >)>b-K-, write fur PAMMOL ART EYELASHES. Thrf L) u i t c undetectable pei pair «/ L'nn|-lete with in*tru( T/fcP&ffcrpffiMAtffNrmvft Write /or Booklet, " All about Pamoil Waving," to Dept. P. ALDWORTH & Co. £3DEErr) 'Phone: Mavfair .t&ai 385, Oxford Street, London, W.l. Next door to bond Street tube, opposite Maison Lyons.