Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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JANUARY 1 ^_M Pictures and Rictvirepuer 59 THE ONLY LIQUID HAIR REMOVER READY MLXED AND ODOURLESS F)ECOLTENE ,L>/The liquid hair remover Removes unwanted hair in the shortest possible tinte, painlessly and without the slightest damage to the skin. Ready prepared, there's nothing to mix. It whips oft the hair in two minutes, and does not choke you with an bominabJe odour. Proved the best by time test Large Bottle Write for Dinkie Booklet, invaluable to all smart women. Gratis & pest free on amplication 3/9 Krep that sweet "After the Bath" freshness. Remove even the faintest suggestion of odour from the body with a dab of Dinkie. This dainty non-staining cream does it, safely and surely. 0 //t Urge Jars .. ^/O RobarteV guaranteed preparations are obtainable at Boots' and Taylor's Drug Stores, all Chemists and Perfumers, or post free direct on receipt of remittance from ROBARTES (1922) LIMITED, Dept.P.G. 14 and 15, Southampton Buildings. W.C. 2. A.K. Is there a demand for ORIGINAL SCENARIOS ? The question is answered in this note from Mr. Graham Wilcox, the famous producer of "Chu Chin Chow," "Paddy, The-Next-Best-Thins;/' " Flames of Passion," and other All-British photoplays. £500 for an Original Film Story. " !t is one of the easiest things to write a story for the films, yet one of the hardest. Some af the best writers in the world have failed in making good on the films. On the other hand, writers with scarcely any experience in short story or novel writing have made fortunes in writing for the films. " There is a dearth of good film stories for the simple reason that the average man or woman does not know the requirements of the films. _ " I have no doubt at all that THE FLEET STREET SCHOOL OF WRITING will meet the requirements of the great cinema industry by training the inexpert to use their talent to the best advantage. I do not claim to be a scenario writer, but such has been the shortage of good photoplays that 1 have had to write scenarios myself as well as produce the films. So long as there is a dearth of good stories, I am bound to do so. " We are very anxious to obtain the most original and best scenarios, and with the object of encouraging new writers, I have the pleasure of offering through THE FLEET STREET SCHOOL OF WRITING, £500 for a scenario accepted by Graham Wilcox Productions, Ltd., written by a student of THE FLEET STREET SCHOOL OF WRITING. The decision will rest between myself, Mr. Chas. Wilcox and Mr. Sydney A. Moseley, Principal of the School." GRAHAM WILCOX PRODUCTIONS, LTD., fcjU* Director. This offer is a part of the £2,500 Offer made by prominent publishers and producers for Articles, Stories, Novels, and Photoplays written by Students of The Fleet Street School of Writing. A Postcard will bring the Booklet, " A Chance for New Writers " with full particulars of the £2,500 Offers and the Courses of Study with personal instruction as issued by the School. Address: FILM EDITOR, The FLEET STREET SCHOOL of WRITING, Limited, 92, Fleet Street LONDON E.C. 4. auA Ccmihwcicmr H is Nature's Mirror. fOW MANY TIMES DO YOU hear How well you are looking to-day," or again " You don't look very fit "? Your doctor feels your pulse, but your friend looks at your face and sees something is wrong. In a recent article published in The Picturcgoer Miss Mildred Davis LLOYD writes: — ". ... if something is wrong inside, the skin will show it directly, and what you have to do is to put it right." These words are absolutely true. Massage, face creams or skin foods alone will not regain vou that clear and velvety complexion, when it is the impurities in the blood which are causing all the trouble. Camkl Complexion Pills are specially compounded to remove these impurities and restore your complexion to its normal beauty. They also contain valuable tonic properties. Obtainable at all chemists price 2/6 per box or post free from The CAMEL DRUG Co., Ltd., '""ffl^cf1' Wonderful Permanent Waving A HOME PERMANENT Waving Outfit for use with or without electricity (which gives exactly the same result as illustrated). Price from 1 Guinea. The Gaby Process takes 7 minutes and IS NOT AFFECTED BY WASHING. REDUCED 10s. ^.-Average SIDE CURLS. SALON £1 lis. M.— Average FRONT. PRICES £3 3*.Average " BOBBIE " or WHOLE HEAD. Write for free Booklets if you cannot call. j^\ (PERMANENT WAVING SPECIALIST ONLY.) (>, y f 5, Blenheim St., BOND STREET (Oxford St. end), J^*^Oi/iJ LONDON, W.l. ('Phone : Mayfair S500). ~ n» ir Also at 2, Harrow Rd.,W. (Agent for Recamier Products.) Miss Du Pont the Universal Film Star, says . — "After my face has been covered with make up for hours, I find LA-ROLA a friend indeed. It cleanses the pigments from the pores, tones up my skin and makes my complexion look, its best. LA-ROLA is wonderfully refreshing and your Rose Bloom is exquisite." W BEETHAMS V (as pre-war) As well as beautifying the complexion it preserves it against all inclemencies of weather and helps to retain its youthful elasticity and freshness. From all Chemists and Stores, in Bottles 1/6 PALE COMPLEXIONS may be greatly improved by just a touch of "La-Rola Rose Bloom," which gives a perfectly natural tint to the cheeks. No one can tell it is artificial. It gives the Beauty Spot! l/-Box M. Beetham & Son CHELTENHAM SPA ENGLAND