Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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ANUARY 1924 Pict\jre s and Picture poer 61 Indigestion is the outcome of harmful stomach acidity and, clearly, the safest, most sensible way to get rid of indigestion is to get rid of the acidity. This Bisurated Magnesia does instantly, it stops the possibility of digestive pain and its resultant menace to health the very moment you take it — no wonder doctors prescribe Bisurated Magnesia for stomach troubles — no wonder hospitals use it. rhe makers of Bisurated Magnesia have received thousands of testimonials from grateful people who have been cured by this remedy : the following is just a typical opinion : — 27. Reynold's Road, Old Trafford. "Gentlemen, I am writing to inform you of the great benefit I have derived from your Bisurated Magnesia. I have been a sufferer from indigestion for some time, and have tried many remedies without effect. My sister persuaded me to try Bisurated Magnesia, and the result has been marvellous, all fermentation of food and flatulence have disappeared, *nd I look forward with pleasure to a meal instead of dread, as formerly. Yours faithfully (Signed) G. F. HARPER." Suffer no longer from stomach troubles like indigestion. gastritis and dyspepsia : go now to the nearest chemist and ask for a l/3d, package of this remedy — remember digestive trouble goes the instant you take iiiiraiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Jkn Ideal Present The PICTUREGOER S BONANZA PARCEL CONTAINS 60 Picture Postcards of Film Favourites (all different). 20 Ditto, tinted in colours. 3 Sets of Beautiful Photogravure Portraits .(size 8ins. by 6ins., 32 in all) of World-renowned Picture Players. 18 Different Photo Buttons of Stars in Filmdom. The Parcel complete sent Post Free tor SEVEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. (1/6 extra J or Postage Abroad.) [ PICTUREGOER SALON, 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2 ( llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 Have a beauty bath . before going \ to bed Send • post card for a dainty FREE sample and a copy of our useful fortypage Beauty Booklet, to International Icilma Trad infi Co., Ltd (Dept. 161 ) King's Road St. Pancras N.W.I. After the nightly wash which removes surface dirt only, have a beauty bath with Icilma Cream. Rub it freely over the face, neck, shoulders, arms and hands and note how cleansed and refreshed your skin feels. This is due to the wonderful skin-tonic Natural Water contained in Icilma Cream. Now wipe off with a clean towel and smear on some more cream. While you sleep this foimy, fragrant NON-GREASY cream will beautify your complexion and make your skin soft, smooth and supple Use ;ream Price 1/3 per pot. it daily and look your best "•itntl" '"*' ■•roi!P*"'«p •illlli"" ■fl*' "■riiiji"" ■■ r lltmir. 1)r -qjupr -v *wmr BJT 14 SHETLAND i and FAIR ISLE \ WOOLLIES . IDEAL GIFTS Hand Knitted by Shetland Crofters from the pure ttndyed wool of the Shetland Sheep. FASHIONABLE WEAR and withal most comfortable, snug and healthful Dresses {a* i/faafmfffJ) While and Grey, Moorit and Fawn with Fair Isle Coloured Borders, from 75/ Send for interesting, t-K E h. Jj Illustrated h Ciiiiil'intti Jumpers, Cardigans, Coatees, Gloues, Scarves, Tarns, Shawls, etc. etc. SHETLAND IS INDUSTRIES 92 GEORGE STREET PORTMAN SQUARE. LONDON Wl <>