Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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62 Pictures and Picfviretyuer JANUARY 1924 ESTABLISHED 1873. Crompton Academy of Dancing 7, PERCY STREET, Mmeum LONDON, W.l rfLL branches of SI Dancing taught, for stage or ball-room. Articled Pupils taken. NO contracts at the end of their training. Qualified Teachers sent to any part of the country. Modern and scientific methods to achieve results quickly — based upon thorough technical knowledge. Natural talent and originality encouraged, not killed by over-strain and forced methods, therefore producing artists, not mechanical figures. Elocution Lessons and Dramatic Class under a Qualified Mistress. MODERATE FEES. Private Lessons by appointment— Lndy or Gentleman Teacher a* preferred. Branches at North London, Balham, Rochester and Watford. Also Sydney, Australia. Full particulars from — Florence Chadfield, PRINCIPAL. There's no doubt about it that dancing this winter has become more than a mere " boom " ; it has become a positive institution. Everybody's dancing, young and old, and all over the country bigger and bigger dance halls are springing up. With the conversion of Olympia into a Palais de Danse, London can surely claim to have taken pride of place. Room on the floor for over 4,000 couples ! What a kaleidoscope of colour and motion those cold figures conjure up ! No wonder the makers of saxophones find it difficult to keep pace with the demand. Naturally those desiring to acquit themselves with brilliance in the dancing halls and ballrooms take care to have lessons only from the most up-todate and reliable teachers. To begin wrong is to court disaster from the first. One has only to take the part of spectator in even high-class ballrooms instantly to detect this mistake, to see the large number of " dancers " who have relied upon amateur instructions or who have been contented with " picking up " their steps. It's fatal ! Good dancing partners are very discriminating in this respect. They fight shy of the vis-a-vis who is uncouth or out-of-date. The Martell School of Dancing is one of the best academies possible for those who wish to be quite certain of their tuition. Miss Martell herself actually trains a large number of those who so delight us by their charmingdancing on the stage. It is an inspiration just to watch Miss Martell at work. Moreover, if exhibition dancing is your ambition this is the very school for the purpose. They have just arranged speciality numbers for Clarice Mayne, Dancing Time and for Susie Belmore Of " We Three " of the well-known music-hall turn. Miss Daisy Burrall has also been busy at these studios. Now that the New Year is here, dancing really comes into its own for New Year is dancing time wherever the party spirit holds revel and many are the New Year engagements that will culminate in summer weddings. Truly Cupid, the rogue, knows how to take good aim from behind Father Time's voluminous robes when dancing at the Christmas parties is over. It is parties that are sometimes such an anxiety to the hostess — mainly because they are composite gatherings, with persons of all ages and different tastes assembled. The one who has had the forethought and perseverance to perfect himself in the art of dancing is invaluable. There are no end to the ways in which he can add to the enjoyment of the rest. If people have learned a few Speciality dances they become the most valued of entertainers. If it is a family gathering there are sure to be those who will be delighted to be shown all the new steps. We shall want to see the youngsters put through their paces, for dancing is part of every child's school curriculum nowadays. And nothing more pleases the younger members of the family than to have the elders take an intelligently critical interest in their performance. Of course this is only one aspect of dancing from the training side of it. Let the Puritans say what they will every healthy instinct in dancing is to prove attractive to the opposite sex. Dancing time and courting time are synonymous. It has been so since Time's beerinnins: and will be to the end. Things Worth Knowing A Film Problem. "There is one type of film that is a menace to civilisation ; and science has only recently found the way to effectually suppress it. This film is not of the celluloid persuasion, but that dingy nuisance which takes delight in spreading itself over one's teeth. Unless it is removed, it quickly becomes discoloured, forms a Coating, and may lead to decay. A really active enemy of this unsightly disfigurement is Pcpsodent, the New Day Dentifrice, because its ingredients are the fruits of the best modern research. Pepsodent produces much the same effect as fresh fruit upon the mouth and teeth, multiplying the natural forces which combat the acid and starch deposits forming the harmful film, and make it melt away. On page 57 will be found particulars of a special offer to PICTUREGOER readers, enabling them to personally test this new dentifrice free of charge. Scents of Araby All the far-famed pertume wafted abroad East Miranda's Dream is lighted, delicate, soothing fragrance of of the when a The these Oriental cigarett peculiarly its own. It reminds you of temples, and Strang e half 1 i t Eastern streets. " Mirandas are quality «*f.i sold in attractively-tinted boxes, Corktipped (Standard Size) 10 for 1/-, and Gold-tipped (Extra Large) 10 for 1/8.