Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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42 Pic hj res and Pichjrepver FEBRUARY 1924 Above : Hutin Britton and J. R. 'loser in 'The Merchant of Venice." Left: Basil Gill in " Missing The Tide." talking to each other, until we overheard a chance remark from a dear old English lady tourist in the hotel. " These poor picture people," she said, " they even have to carry their profession into their private lives — and act dumh show amongst themselves. I am so glad no daughter of mine is a film actress." Gregory Scott, Muriel Martin Harvey, James Lindsay and George Foley played leading parts in several of my films about that time. When eventually I formed a stock company, Gregory Scott became its first member, and I took great care to select stories in which were characters suitable to my leading artistes. It was only when I decided to produce a film version of The Ware Case that I sought a new heroine and leading man. 1 found the leading lady in " the dear, delightful villainess " as she was then called, playing secondary and small part roles with another British company. I saw in her my ideal " Lady Ware." and a few days afterwards 1 had signed Violet Hopson as a member of my stock company . I knew I had to convince the public that her real metier was sympathetic parts despite the fact that she had always been a villainess — but 1 took a chance. Thousands of picturegocrs all over the world know her now only in the sympathetic and