Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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FEBRUARY 1924 Pictures end PicF\jre$ver 43 Ronald Colman and Robert Vallis in a thrilling boxing scene from " A Son of David." sporting parts which suit her so well. For the leading male role in The Ware Case I determined that Matheson 1 ang would be suitable. " Little chance of persuading him to play for films," commented my friends in the film trade, for at that time movies were sneered at by the majority of theatrical folk. But again I took my courage in both hands and convinced .Matheson Lang that the " movies " were a force to be reckoned with — a fact which he has long since admitted, I think. With these two newcomers to my Studios, I also signed up Ivy Close to play the ingenu: in the film. Miss Close had not long before won " The Daily .Mirror " Beauty Competition, a fact which made her a centre of attraction and enhanced her value as a screen artiste. Following The Ware Case, I produced the first film version of a Shakespearean play, The Merchant of Venice, with Matheson Lang (who, by that time had become very enthusiastic about films) and his wife Hutin Britton in the leading parts. An " Evening News " serial story then attracted my attention and this was the first serial published in a London newspaper of which a film version was made by a British firm. Missing the Tide was one of the most popular productions of the year and in Waiter WesU