Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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MARCH 1924 Picture s and Picture puer COME AND SEE THE Egyptian Handicrafts AT THE Ideal Home Exhibition, OLYMPIA. (Hall of FEB. Z8-MARCH 22. CUSHIOS COVER. t'tvptian Tenting Work' (Price 3 each.) Subsidised by THE EGYPTIAN GOVERNMENT. EGYPTIAN PRODUCE & INDUSTRIES, LIMITED, Bath H«ik, 57W. Hoi born Viaduct LONDON. E.C.I THE HOME FARM FRIEZE (8 Coloured Panels) Price 52/6. Jolly Friezes and Cut-out Figures for the Home THE HOME FARM FRIEZE By LAWSON WOOD In 8 Coloured Panels (each 40*) Price 52/6 THE WESSEX HUNT By Miss CHLOE PRESTON Published either as a frieze in 8 Coloured Panels Price 36/Or in 13 cul-out figures on 3-ply wood ,, 38/ Apply to your local decorators or write for samples to : MIDDLETON'S (ABERDEEN) LTD., 8. ADAM STREET ADELPHI . \ LONDON To Be Really Beautiful If you would have a beautiful healthy skin, with clear bright eyes, and all the charm of youthful beauty you must use the famous ADAIR GANESH PREPARATIONS which are recognised the world over as the sure and safe way to beauty. Under Royal Patronage. Recommended by the Medical Profusion. TRIAL SAMPLE BOX To prove the merits of the wonderful GaNcSH PREPARATIONS a Combination Box containing Eastern Muscle Oil, Skin Tonic. Lily Lotion. Special Eastern Cream and Powder, will be sent on receipt of 5 6 (pest free). Mrs. E. ADAIR, (Dept. P.C.) 92, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W.l. PARIS BRUSSELS 'Phone May fair 3212 --NEW YORK 2 6 per Curler or Waver The illustration shown demonstrates the beautiful effects of the " SESAME " wave. OUR long experience has enabled us to perfect permanent waving, and our new process gives unbounded satisfaction. So sympathetic is the treatment that the hair, whether fine or cwrse, bleached, dyed or white, waves equally successfully. Write to-day for photographs of permanent "SESAME" examples in hair waving, together with our valuable booklet (P.G.) and addresses of agents. Enclose 3d. to cover postage. RICHMOND! 5 10WER. CEO WE ST. Richer t %, Turtft* 353 OXFORD ST. LONDON -W«l LLANDUDNO.' LLOYD STREET. jpcm nitric*** ■"' ■■■■ "" "■