Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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Pictures and PicfxjreO&er MAY 1924 (fashion SketcAing\ and earn bi<jmoney\ RILEY'S BILLIARD TABLES. &*£&. Riley's " Home " Billiard Tables in sizes to fit any dining-table. From £7, or in monthly payments. you have any drawing ability at all can teach you, either personally at Studio or by post in your own home, oduce the sort of fashion work, that You can earn while learning. Sketches bought and TheSecretary, Editors want. sold. Introductionstoposilions. Writefor particulars: The Commercial Art School 12 & 13, Henrietta Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Potter Designi ng. Black & White and Story Illustrating also taught. Est. 1 900 Riley's " Combine " Billiard and Dining Tables suitable for any size room. From £22-10s., or in monthly payments. Riley's are the largest makers of full-size billiard tables in Great Britain. Supplied on easy monthly payments extending 3 years. Write for Particulars. J. RILEY, LTD., Dudley Works, ACCRINGTON. FREE Write for illustrated Price List. NO Serials! EVERY month the "20-Story" contains T-W-E-N-T-Y long, complete stories and NO Serials! Take home a copy to-day. MAGAZINE ONE SHILLING. FREE— A REAL CAMERA &« Here is the opportunity— the Hawk-Eye — a film pack camera made by the Eastman Kodak Co., which takes photographs 3j by 2£. It is loaded in daylight, and any film can be taken out in a dark room and developed separately without disturbing the others. It is a camera without price as it cannot be bought. All you have to do is to save 100 wrappers of Wright's Coal Tar Soap. Each tablet is ivrapped ivith an outside printed wrapper and an inside plain ivrapper, and they count as'Jtwo. 50 tabhts of soap, therefore will contain the necessary 100 zvrappers from WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP The Ideal Soap for TOILET & NURSERY USE Send them to Camera Dept. 126, WRIGHT, LAYMAN & UMNEY, LTD., SOUTHWARK, LONDON, S.E.1. Hawk Eye owners are also eligible for the monthly competitions run by the Kodak Magazine. For further particulars see the Kodak Magazine, copies of which can be obtained from any Kodak dealers. Wright's Coal 1 OO First Prize Third Prize Tar Soap Photographic Competition CASH PRIZES £5 £2 Second Prize 97 Prizes of £1 1 £3 0 3 0 each 1 . The competition is restricted to those who have received Hawk-Eye Cameras from the proprietors of Wright's Coal Tar Soap. 2. Contact prints only are eligible. Prints may be mounted or unmounted, but the outside size of any mount must not exceed 8 in. by 6 in. 3. Competitors may send in as manyentries as they like but the subject and the full name and address of each competitor must be written on the back of each picture. ■4. Every picture entered iliust have been taken on Kodak 3} in. by 2\ in. Film Pack by the competitor, though he or she need not have done the developing, printing or mounting. 5, Entries must be addressed to Photo Competition. Wright's Coal Tar Soap, 4S, Southwark Street, London, S.E.1, and must arrive not later than August 30th, 1924. No wrappers required to compete. The result will be advertised in the Daily Mail and Daily Chronicle on September 30th. 6. The proprietors of Wright's Coal Tar Soap reserve to themselves the right of purchasing the copyright of any of the photographs sent for £2 2 0 each. ' 7. Kodak Limited will act as judges to the competition and their decision must be accepted as final. S. Competitors may choose any of the following subjects and the prizes will be awarded to the pictures that best illustrate the spirit of the title; photographic excellence or technical quality will not count — it is the picture that will win the prize. SUBJECTS: Children at play. Pets. A day with a Hawk-Eye. Sports and Pastimes. Boy Scouts or Girl Guides. Outdoors in Spring. Nature Study. * * "-T>?MflCKeNZI£'S SMCLLING BOTTLe For Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Headaches, etc. Of all Chemists and Stores, 2/-, or post free 2/3. Dr. Mackenzie's Laboratories, Ltd., Reading, England.