Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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44 Picture s and Picture pver MAY 1924 Reading downwards : Circle : The latest photo of Agnes Ayres. Left . Agnes and a Billikeu โ€” no wonder he's S in i I i n g ! and Right : She looks as charm ing in short skirts as she docs in long ones. Her exquisite profile. ^^ยป girl with pigtails ! I even did a ' vamp ' or two ! 1 think those days were the happiest of my life. I liked the hustle and movement of the studio, and I had all sorts of ambitions and dreamed all sorts of dreams. My chief friend was Gloria Swanson who was doing much the same sort of thing that I was โ€” extra bits, small parts, and anything that happened to come along. I then told her that several million people knew quite well that she had left Vitagraph for free-lance work, in the course of which she made Go and Get It for Marshall Neilan, and Held By The Enemy for Lasky, and that this in turn led on to a contract for leading parts with Paramount in the West. We knew she had made a brilliant start with Forbidden Fruit, and had followed it up with successes such as the heroine in The Love Special and Too Much Speed with Wallace Reid. Nor had we forgotten that she scintillated as brightly as any other star in The Affairs of Anatol which seemed to have found a place for every player of note in the Paramount Studios. " Then came Bought and Paid For, The Ordeal, The Furnace, The Lane That Had No Turning." " And The Sheik," I broke in. " Oh yes, The Sheik," said Agnes. " Thanks to Valentino The S eik has made me almost famous. All sorts of people all the world over have seen me in it because they wanted to see Rudy's famous smile. He's been my best publicity agent," she added with a laugh. " And of course you're ,still working for Paramount?" " Yes, and likely to be. I have made Borderland for them, and Clarence โ€” which was one of Wally Reid's last pictures, not yet shown I think in England, and later still The Heart Raider. I had an interesting part which I didn't really like as the outcast woman in The Ten Command ments. (Continued on page 53).