Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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MAY 1924 Pictures and P/cfrjreQoer 61 Lovely wavy hairforYou You, too, can have lovely, lustrous, ivavy hair — hair that will make you look years younger — by simply using Lavona Hair Tonic. This preparation offers the quickest, safest and most effective means of beautifying the hair yet devised ; it incorporates a secret and exclusive ingredient that stimulates and nourishes the tiny scalp cells so that hair-growth is positively induced and a most adorable waviness created. This natural waviness is the outcome of the abundance of ' electric ' vitality which Lavona Hair Tonic infuses into the hair. // you would keep (jrcyness and the signs of age at bay. . . if you would have lovely hair — just get a 2/1 Id. package of Lavona from the nearest chemist. You'll find a free shampoo sachet with it and a guarantee of complete satisfaction or money back. WHY DELAY? LAVONA HAIR TONIC is good for Kiddies' Hairas well as Grown ups It's wonderful what a difference Lavona Hair Tonic makes to a child's hair . . keeps it clean and healthy ani gives a wealth of charm worth many times the cost. Your child will thank you in the after years if, by using Lavona Hair Tonic, you ensure its hair-health now'. PRICE'S NIGHT LIGHTS Did you know that the Queen's Doll's House contains actual books by Rudy aid Kipling, Thomas Hardy, and many other famous authors; realwines in the cellars, real jam on the pantry shelf ; wulls of silk, on which are hung pictures by tvorld-famed artists; Oriental rugs; a strong-room for jewels and plate; period furniture ; a passenger lift ; and even a miniature ABC and Bradshaw. What a doll's Ho use' The Queen's Doll's House YOU will see this famous doll's house if you go to Wembley this Spring, but even if you don't, you can peep into every room and wonder at the magnificence and art of it all, by procuring the May number of "The Ideal Home," now on sale, which contains a special souvenir supplement of the Queen's Doll's House in lovely photogravure. The description you will also find there reads like a tale out of the Arabian Nights. Every reader of "The Picturegoer" should make a point of getting the IDEAL HOME containing this beautiful souvenir of a great work of art. GET YOUR COPY TO-DAY. IDEAL HOME THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR HOME LOVERS. ONE SHILLING.