Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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64 Pictures and Pict\jreOver Cecil (Leicester). — (1) Interview with Gloria in May, 1921 PICTUREGOER. (2) I feel for you, my poor boy, but cheer up. You'll get over it in time. Dorothy (London). — Many thanks for the nice things you say about PICTUREGOER. You're evidently a young lady of discrimination. (2) I'm afraid you won't see many more Wally Reid pictures unless there are some re-issues. (3) It was Pola Negri you saw in Bella Donna, and Barbara La Marr in The Eternal City. Pauline Frederick appeared in the first version of these two films. Gerry (Brighton).— Only just discovered PICTUREGOER Gerry? Where have you been? (1) Art plate of Richard Barthelmess in July, 1923 issue. (2) Dick is married to Mary Hay, who played with him in Way Down East. He has a baby daughter Mary. Marge (Southend-on-Sea). — Yes, Job was a bad-tempered chap compared with me. (1) I'll tackle the Editor for an art plate of Ralph Graves one day when he"s looking particularly bright and benevolent. If you write to Ralph, c/o L.A.A. Club, Los Angeles, California, he might be induced to send you a photo of himself. Dolores (Redhill). — Sorry to blight your young affections, but he is married. R. J. P. (Nuneaton). — Sorry your faults won't do because Comedies don't count. Robin (Cricklewood). — Yes, it's that printer again ! Freddie (Manchester). — Letter forwarded on arrival. (1) Pearl White's reel name is Pearl White. (2) You can get photos of her from the PICTUREGOER Salon, 88, Long Acre. Send for a postcard list. Eileen (Cheshire). — Have passed on your " brain-wave " to the Carols Editor, with my heartfelt sympathy. (1) Alberta and Kathleen Vaughan aren't sisters. (2) Stewart Rome's address is 10, Chisholm Road, Richmond. Iole (Brightlingsea). — Thanks for your kindly championship. I'm glad someone doesn't look upon me as a bearded centenarian. (1) George O'Hara was once an office boy in a newspaper office. His biggest work on the films has been done in Fighting Blood series. He was chosen to star in these because, besides being a good actor, he is a good fighter. (2) Margaret Leahy has not made another film since The 'Three Ages. She is in England just now. (3) Claire Windsor is " Faith " in One Clear Call. (4) Carol has been handed on. R. R. P. (Oxford).— Don't apologise. That's what I'm here for. (1) "Matheson" A fine character make-up. Norma Talmadge as the old lady in " Secrets." is pronounced with a short accented " a " and the " th " soft as in ' thing.' Mary Brough's surname is pronounced " Bruff." Violet (Dorking). — Your letter forwarded so you may now transfer your attentions from me to the postman. S. G. (Devon). — Tell me your favourite's name, and I'll try to get you an art plate. Back numbers of PICTUREGOER are obtainable from our Publishing Dept. 1/3 post free. M. G. P. (Westgate-on-Sea). — April showers may bring forth May flowers. They also seem to be productive of Spring poets, if " Carols " be a sign. Have forwarded yours with my blessing. (1) Larry Semon was born 1889 at West Point, Michigan. (2) He is about 5 ft. 6 ins. in height, but I haven't been over him with a tape measure. (3) No casts given now. J. E. W. (Finland). — Glad somebody has a good word for British Films. (1) Betty Compson has red-gold hair and is about 5 ft. 4 in. in height (2) She isn't married. (3) Her latest films are The Stranger and Miami. Joy (Bishops Stortford).— (1) My modest and retiring disposition forbids me to give you a full and flowery description of my own particular brand of beauty. I can only assure you that I am young, handsome and clever. The rest I'll leave to your imagination. (2) Rudolph Valentino was born May 6th. MAY 1924 1895. (2) His favourite dance is the tango from The Four Horsemen. (3) Ivor Novello is about 30 years old. He isn't married yet. (4) Rudy and Ivor will probably send you signed photos, if you ask nicely, but my strong heart is quite un melted by your pleas. Rose (Hampstead). — Letter forwarded on arrival. Bellah (London). — (1) Alma Taylor isn't married. (2) Agnes Ayres' part in The Ten Commandments was cut right out of the version shown this side. (3) Rod la Rocque is not related to either Rudolph Valentino or Monte Blue. His has been mainly a screen career. He has played in The Garter Girl, Jazzmania, and The French Doll, but his role as " Don McTavish " in The Ten Commandments is the biggest thing he has done so far. M. B. (Zululand). — You certainly have been asleep if you've only just found PICTUREGOER. I feel for you in your loss of the past years. (1) Pictures is no longer in existence, but you can get back numbers of it or THE PICTUREGOER, from our Publishing Dept., Arne Street, W.C.2. Write again when you like, you're refreshingly uninquisitive. Nigella (Gillingham). — Don't be so sure about never becoming a film fan. I've heard these rash boasts before — and, anyway, you seem more than half-way there already. (1) Write to William Haines, c/o Goldwyn Studios, Hollywood, California. Or you might obtain a photo from the Goldwyn Co., Gt. Newport St., London, W.C. (2) His next film is True as Steel. N. Parker (Borrowash). — Don't apologise. Everybody calls me " George." (1) Mary Jane Irving was born in British Colombia, 1914. No art plate of her so far. (2) Some of her films are : The White Lie, Wildfire, Cordelia The Magnificent, An Old Sweetheart of Mine. Barbara (Balham). — In accordance with your request. I have been " a dear," and your letter to Charles Ray has gone Californiawards. (1) Robert Browers was the " grandfather," and Ernest Torrence " Emilio, the clown," in Singed Wings. B. F. (Glasgow).— (1) PICTUREGOER isn't published in volume form. (2) Art plate of Ivor Novello in Feb. 1923 issue. (3) Kick-in hasn't been Trade Shown yet, so it won't be released for many moons. Joan (Trowbridge).— (1) No, Harold Lloyd isn't dead. The rumour was probably given rise to by an accident that occurred to him the other day. Whilst waiting for a set to be completed at the BOURNYILLE Cocoa | see the name ^adbury ON EVERY PIECE OF CHOCOLATE