Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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JUNE 1924 Pictures and Pichjrepver m FASHION DRAWING. Learn this interesting art and earn htjt money. Poster, Black-and-White, StoryIllustrating also taught. Lessons given at Studios Mom., Aftn.,or Evn.. or by post. Help given to good positions. Sketches bought and sold. — Terms : Secrelatu. THE COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL, 12-13, Henrietta Street. Strand, Londun, W.C.2. Est. I900. Play Billiards in your Home on a RILEY BILLIARD TABLE Send for FREE Price List. E. J. A P.O. for 14/ will bring a " Home " Billiard table to your door. The balance you pay monthly. Cash prices from £.7. "Combine" Billiard and Dining T.iblcs from £22 10s., or in monthly payments. (.'.irn.iKC paid. Free packing case. 7 days approval. Also full-size tables on easy monthly payments extending 3 years. Repair* and Accessories. Write for particulars. RILEY, LTD., Dudley Worki, ACCRINGTON. Koko Aids to Beauty Miss Flora Le Breton, the popular British Film Star, writes : "I find ' Koko ' all you claim. It is delightful to use, and keeps the hair in perfect condition." KOKO FOR THE HAIR has 35 years' reputation. A clear, non-greasy liquid of delightful fragrance, cooling and invigorating, and contains no Dye. Promotes Growth, Cleanses the Scalp, Strengthens Thin and Weak Hair, and ultimately produces Thick, Luxuriant Tresses. 1/6, 3/and 5/6 per bottle. KOKO VANISHING CREAM. A new and delightful non-greasy cream prepared from the finest ingredients and delicately perfumed, 1/6 per jar. KOKO COMPLEXION POWDER. (Natural, Rachael, Rose and White), is exquisitely fragrant, and will not harm the most delicate skin. 2/ per box. KOKO SHAMPOO POWDER DE LUXE. More than sufficient for a delightful Shampoo, 4£d. per pkt. Obtainable of all Chemists and Stores, or sent Post Free on receipt of remittance. KOKO MARICOPAS CO., LTD., 16, Bevis Marks, London, E.C.3. IN SEALED PACKETS AND TINS FROM ALL GROCERS .. «" JRo/anfr X! a , m 'jassi Ruth Roland, the popular film star, says: " Oaline Face Cream is on invaluable toilet preparation. I can thoroughly recommend its soothing and beneficial effects on the complexion." OATINE both cleanses the pores and beautifies the skin. It is, therefore, of especial value to the "Summer Girl." Scorching sun, salt water, sea air and dusty roads, to say nothing of the exertion of tennis, golf, and other strenuous outdoor sports, spell ruin to the complexion — unless one takes proper steps to convert their ill effects. The girl who uses "Oatine" looks her best — always. Her skin, velvet-soft, cool and free from blemish, is the admiration and envy of all, for "Oatine'soothes and protects it as nothing else can. If you do not yet know what " Oatine ' can do for your complexion, send the coupon below and try it — at our expense ! o CREAM 1/6 & 3/ In dainty Jars Of all Chemists and Stores. \ o 4 In addition to Oatine Cream, the following Oatine Toilet Preparations make an irresistible appeal to all who appreciate first-class 'quality and good value. Oatine Snow, 1/3; Tooth Paste. 1/3; Face Powder. 1,6 : Shampoo Powders, each 3d. ; Soap, 4d.f lOd. and 14 a tablet : Shaving Stick, 1/3 ; Shaving Cream, 1/3. The OATINE Co., 92. Oatine Bldgt.. London, S.E.I Great Free Offer to " Picturegoer " Readers. To The Oatine Co., 92, Oatine Buildings, London, S.E.I. Please send me FREE of cost and obligation your Sample Box of OATINE Preparations. Also FREE copy of vour "Book of Beauty." 1 enclose 4d. to cover postage and packing.