Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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£8 Picture s and Picture pver JULY 1924 ! SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. | ■ .-. Rate : Four Shillings per line .-. ! S Including publication in " Romanes " j and " 20-Story Magazine." \ TOILET. NAIL-BITING CURED AT LAST!— New discovery. No aloes, no medicine, harmless. Full treatment. 5s. post free (Plain Cover). — " Filtex Treatment," 61 (J), Tollington Park, London, N.4. MEDICAL, CURATIVE. STAMMERING.— Genuine Home Cure. Particulars free. — L. Burton, S, Rossendale Road, St. Annes, Lancashire. NERVOUSNESS, BLUSHING.— My remarkably interesting book explains how you can cure yourself as I did. Sent privately, 3d. — Henry Rivers (P), 40, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.I. NEW LIFE to Weak, Weary, Nervous, Ailing People. Thyroid Glandets restore Youth, Energy, Vitality, Nerve Force. Never fail. No drugs. Trial free. "Percivals Ltd., 94 St. Albans. MISCELLANEOUS. PHOTO POSTCARDS of yourself, 1/3 doz.; 12 by 10. Enlargements, 8d., any photo. Catalogue, samples free. — Hackett's, July Road, Liverpool. £2,000 WORTH OF CHEAP PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL; samples and catalogue free. — Hackett's Works, July Road, Liverpool. 64-PAGE BOOK ABOUT HERBS and How to Use them, 2d. Send for one. — Trimnell, The Herbalist, Richmond, Cardiff. SINGING AS A CAREER.— Guide necessary for all. Post free 2/9. Arts Dramatic Press, Sentinel House, Southampton Row, London. FILMS, HOME CINEMAS, WIRELESS.— Lists free.— Cinefilms (Dcpt. 8), 24, New Oxford Street, London. ARE THESE CARDS IN YOUR ALBUM?— George Robey, Jose Collins, Alice Terry (2 new ones), Clive Brook (new pose), John Stuart, Josephine Earle, Matheson Lang (2 different), Ivor Novello (new portrait), Kenneth Harlan, Nigel Barrie (2 kinds), Owen Nares, Hoot Gibson, Elaine Hammerstein, Reginald Denny, Wesley Barry, Cullen Landis, Frank Mayo, Richard Dix, Mae Busch, Conrad Nagel, Mary Philbin, Leatrice Joy, Charles Hutchison, Edna Best, Madge Stuart, Fay Compton, and Queenie Thomas. These are all new additions to our beautiful sepia glossy series of film stars and real photographs. Price 3d. each or 2s. 6d. dozen post free. — Picturegoer Salon, 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. ALBUMS FOR YOUR FAVOURITES.— Specially designed for collectors of picture postcards of Kinema Stars. Prices : Is. 6d. to hold 150 cards; 2s. to hold 200; and 3s. to hold 300, beautifully bound and letterpress on front in gold " My Film Favourites." An ideal present for anyone. — Picturegoer Salon, 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. "WHAT MEN REALLY WANT" (by a man). A book of valuable, intimate advice every modern girl should have. In plain wrapper. Tost Free Is. from Linden-Spencer (Dept. E), 7, Weighton Rd., London, S.E.20. THE BEST BOOK ON PLAYWRITING.— " Cinema Plays: How to Write and Sell Them " tells you how to succeed in this lucrative work. — Price 3s. 9d., post free, from Picturegoer Salon, 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. PICTURES WORTH FRAMING.—" The Picturegoer " Portfolio of Kinema Celebrities contains Sixteen Magnificent Photogravure Portraits: Size 10 inches by 6i inches of Norma Talmadge, Mary Pickford, Nazimova Pearl White, Douglas Fairbanks, Constance Talmadge, Ralph Graves, Charles Chaplin, Pauline Frederick, Mary Miles/ Minter, Lilian Gish, Thomas Meighan, William S. Hart, Richard Barthelmess, Jackie Coogan, William Farnum. Price Is., or post free Is. 2d. — Picturegoer Salon, 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Wanda Hawley, T. Roy Barnes and Donald Macdonald in Her Face Value Stormy Seas {Regent; July 10). An adventure melodrama of the sea, with fine storm and ship wreck scenes and a good cast comprising Helen Holmes, J. P. McGowan, Leslie J. Casey, Harry Dalroy, and Gordon Knapp. The Tiger's Claw {Paramount; July 21). Jack Holt in a sensational adventure story set in India. The excellent cast includes Eva Novak, George Periolat, Bertram Grassby, Aileen Pringle, Carl Stockdale, Lucien Littlefield and Evelyn Selbie. Times Have Changed {Fox; July 28). The amusing adventures of a family heirloom. William Russell stars, with Mabel Julienne Scott, Martha Maddox, Gretchen Hartman, Allene Ray, Wade Boteler, and Charles West supporting. Good comedy fare. Torment {Ass. First National; July 28). A crook drama set in Russia, America, and Japan with the recent Japanese earthquake worked into its climax. Owen Moore and Bessie Love head a strong cast which includes Joseph Kilgour, Morgan Wallace, Maude George and'George Cooper. Virtuous Liars {Vitagraph; July 21). Edith Allen's first star picture. A society story about a wife who posed as a widow. David Powell. Naomi Childers, Maurice Costello, Dagmar Godowsky, Ralph Keliard, Albertina Rasch and Sig. Karamano support. Good entertainment. Where Is This West? {European; July 7). A laughable burlesque of the West of ancient days, starring Jack Hoxie, with Mary Philbin, Joseph Girard, Bob McKenzie, Sid Jordan and Bernard Seigel supporting. Fair entertainment. A Ian Hale, Lila Lee and John Fox in " One Glorious Day." The Wild Party {European; July 28). Gladys Walton in an amusing comedy about an ambitious typist who turns journalist. Robert Ellis opposite, also Freeman Wood, Sydney De Grey, Lewis Sargent, Esther Ralston, Kate Lester, Jos. W. Girard and Sidney Brady. The Woman's Part {Jury; July 10). Soava Gallone in an Italian drama about an unmarried mother. Well acted and photographed. Support includes Chappell Dossett, Nicholas Brand and Toto Marjoroni. Heavy dramatic fare. The World Aflame {Inter. Cine.; July 10). Frank Keenan, Janice Wilson, Joseph McManus and Bert Sprotte in a good capital-and-labour story of post-war unrest. You Can't Fool Your Wife {Paramount; July 14). Fairly good domestic problem;drama well played by Leatrice Joy, Lewis Stone, Nita Naldi, Pauline Garon, Paul McAllister, Julia Swayne Gordon and Tom Carrigan. J