Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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SEPTEMBER 1924 Picf\jre s end Pic hjrep oe/' .•/ ydv <>/</ mil' liouaire Theodore Roberts oid Wanda Hawlcy in " The Prodigal Knight" Sometimes, though, the returning millionaire is a prodigal son, in which case his line of conduct is somewhat different It is a pleasant little habit of his, then, to arrive back home with his money all tucked away somewhere where it doesn't show. He walks in on his sorrowing family just as they're sittting down to supper in the house where he was born. And even the family pig sniffs at him disgustedly, he looks so poverty stricken. Then, his dear old mother weeps over him for ten minutes, and the little sweetheart that he left behind him looks at him with adoring eyes over the cottage loaf, so he know . al last thai their love has passed the test of poverty. After that, ot course, he springs the news thai he's .1 millionaire, and everybody very nobly forgives him and I him more than ever. It's .01 scene I daresay you've seen it or something like it yourself. Another > arintion of the same idea, is the millionaire who sends a telegram to himself, informing himself that he has been ruined. He leaves it around where Ins fiancee can see it, and she, of course, immediately jilts him, l< inn him free to marry the girl who really loves him. Hut perhaps, after all. the most interesting type of millionaire is the man who has been born to it. lie is elegance personified, and his tastes arc luxurious in the extreme. His meals, if they taste anything like they look, are enough to make an ordinary man a dyspeptic for life; his clothes are a dream, his hats a nightmare, and it is an education to watch the preparation of his daily bath. Usually he has very lax morals, and comes to a bad end. But just occasionally one finds a millionaire of this type, who has the mind of a Methodist parson, and naturally flourishes until A millionaire's orgy. Owen Nares and Moyna MacGill in " Miriam Rozella" the end of the chapter. Witness Adolphe Menjou in Broadway After Dark, who though he made paper boats of his love letters, and floated them in his bath, was a modern Sir Galahad in his dealings with the world. And Maurice Costello, in Virtuous Liars, a dear old gentleman who very accomodatingly dies of heart failure, leaving the heroine a fortune. As I said before, there's no mistaking a movie millionaire. Compare him with the real article, fat and comfortable, eating peas off a knife opposite Mrs. Millionaire, comfortable and fat, and you'll see what I mean. E. E. Barrett.