Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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SEPTEMBER 1924 Picture s and Pichure pver 49 LenaLastik Underwear (•too.) Miss Alice Calhoun, the celebrated Vitagraph Star, says : — " I find LenaLastik Underwear delightfully soft and comfy to the skin and most excellent in every way. I take great pleasure in recommending it most heartily." This charming Underwear is expressly suited to present day needs. It is delightfully soft to sensitive skins, while its protective qualities are strongly approved by Medical Men. It is durable, guaranteed unshrinkable and very moderate in price. Ask at the Stores and all leading Drapers for the Hygienic Cotton or the Artificial Silk and Cotton numbers. Look for this Tab on the garment. [enaJastik Atk for " LcnaLattik" at the Storet or any leading drapers. If any difficulty write for name of draper with stock. VASLEDGE WORKS. SOUTH WIGSTON. Packed in distinctive tin boxes containing 2ozs. 8d. 4 OK. 1/3 8 ozs. 2/3 1 lb. 4/3 1 clearK7htoat easy conversation may be ensured by usina* the 'AUenburys' Glycerine and Black Currant Pastilles. They have a soothing effect on the mouth and throat and keep the voice clear with its full natural quality. These Pastilles have the delicious flavour of fresh ripe black currants and are pleasing even to the most fastidious. Theii slightly acidulous flavour is always refreshing and they may be taken as often as desired without having any deleterious effect or darkening the teeth. Tour Chemist stocks them. flllenbunys %2£l PASTILLES ALLEN &> HANBURYS Ltd, 37 Lombard Street, London, E.CJ