Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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SEPTEMBER 1924 Picture s and Pic f\jreWer 51 TJarold Lloyd is at * work on his last independent picture; he has arranged to release his future productions through Paramount. [ ois Wilson, 'tis said, is going to marry Barney Baruch, Jnr., a millionaire. Lois didn't tell us about it when she was over here, so we'll reserve congratulations till we're sure. But right here we hand 'em to Wallace Beery, who is to marry Mary Arithea Hillman, a film actress. Evidently Wally's " rough stuff " on the screen holds no terrors for her. James Kirkwood is making one film for Fox's, Gerald Cranston's Lady, from Frankau's novel. Alma Rubens plays the Lady in question. VY/hcn you see Sinners in Heaven and Dangerous Money, both Paramount releases, watch Diana Kane s work, and sec if she reminds you of anybody. She ought to, because she's Lois Wilson's little sister, Roberta. She used to be social d'recteuse at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, and has staged many and many a debutante party there, but she resigned and came East with Lois just before Lois sailed for England. Befare she knew where she was she was in the Movies, but being a great sport, decided not to trade on her sister's name, and adopted the pretty cognomen of Diana Kane. Oaulinc Frederick is to be featured in a Universal Jewel production shortly. It is titled Smouldering Fires, and Robert Ellis, Laura La Plante and Tully Marshall will support the star. Dlanche Mehaffey, the pretty Hal Roach star, is off the working map for a little while. She was riding on the back of a fire engine going very very quickly, when she slipped, one leg falling between the mudguard and the back wheel. Glenn Tryon, who was also on the vehicle, quickly caught her by the arm and managed to drag her out of harm's way just as the machine came to a standstill. She was very much bruised, but no bones were broken, and she will resume work shortly. |\/Trs. Sidney Drew is acting in tworeelers similar to those she and her husband turned out for Vitagraph some years ago. Raymond Hitchcock will be her partner this time. T\. W. Griffith is in Germany taking scenes for his new film, and we hear he intends to use the new " frozen light " process if he finds it practicable. It is, roughly, light without heat, and at a demonstration recently given in Paris, a 10,000 candle-power light gave no heat whatever. For close-ups, of course, such a lamp will be invaluable, for these are always exhausting affairs for the players, and cannot possibly be repeated very many times. The working title of the film is Dawn. ""That popular play, The Man Who Came Back, has been filmed by Fox, and will be over here shortly. Dorothy Mackaill and George O'Brien appear in the leading roles. "W/allace Beery and Mae Busch have ** been added to the cast of The Great Divide, in which Alice Terry shares stellar honours with Conway Tearle. ETdith Roberts has just signed on to ¥"* play opposite Harry Carey in Roaring Rails. ""There is a fine cast A in I he Man Without a Heart, the Ruby M. Ayres' story Burton King is directing. Jane Novak and Kenneth Harlan head the roster, with FairBmney and David Powell as second leads. A merica is not to **■ have it all her own way so far as Movies are concerned. Germany is taking active steps towards becoming her greatest rival, and productions arc being made on a large scale in Berlin. Moreover, the German producers are engaging American stars. Mae Marsh was the first, and now Julanne Johnston and Cannel Myers. But as America has annexed Lubitsch, Buchowetszki, Paul Bern and Pola Negri it is only tit for tat. And stars' salaries in Berlin are rapidly mounting to Hollywood size. "Tom Mix is playing in three Zane Grey stories : The Last of the Duanes, The Rainbow Trail, and Riders of the Purple Sage this season. PVnison Clift is commencing work upon Flames of Desire, an adaptation of Ouida's " Strathmore," very shortly for Fox's, and Emmett Flynn will produce The Dancers, from Sir Gerald Du Maurier's popular play, about the same time. Jackie Coogan is now a fully-fledged " cop." He was solemnly sworn in down in San Francisco, by Chief of Police Dan O'Brien, before a crowd of screen and other celebrities. Jackie and his company had been filming there and engaged the city police in full uniforms for many of the scenes. After they were all finished, Father Coogan enquired : " Now, Chief, what's the damage." " There isn't any charge " was the reply. Jacky and his daddy tried them with gifts, but these were also refused, and they did the only thing possible, viz. : presented a big cheque to the City's Community Chief. In return for that Chief O'Brien made Jackie Officer 719 of the Third Precinct. He was given a shiny star (of which he's inordinately proud) and a miniature night stick.