Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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64 Pictures and P>c/'\jre>over SEPTEMBER 1924 Victor Seastrom and Lon Chaney try out a new make-up for " He Who Gets Slapped" Goal. (4) Mad Love is a German Production. Pola Negri's name is the only one mentioned in the cast. So you imagine I'm like Earle Williams. Well, there's no harm in imagining, is there? But it's rough on Earle, poor fellow ! X.Y.Z. (Folkestone). — Glad you appreciate my flowing wit. (1) We've never had an art plate of Mildred Evelyn. (2) One of Stewart Rome appeared in March 1922 PICTUREGOER. (3) Kenneth Harlan isn't married now and Stewart Rome never has been. F.E.S. (Wimbledon). — If anyone mentions the word " Sheik " to me again, I shall resign. Elysia (Catford).— Of course I'll forgive you for being inquisitive. After all, I suppose it's your misfortune, not your fault. (1) Ivor Novello was born in Neath, Wales, about thirty years ago. (2) He has a flat in A^dwych. (3) I think he would very likely send you a photo. (4) I'll see what the Editor says about another interview with him. (5) Our tame story writer wanders occasionally, but he's quite harmless. Valentin-o (Manchester). — Glad to hear you've missed PICTUREGOER during your travels. (1) Interview with Valentino appeared in May 1923 PICTUREGOER. (2) Art plate in December 1923 issue, and an art plate and interview in May 1023. If these aren't enough to satisfy you, I'm afraid your case is past curing. David's Adorer (Dreamland). — I admire your self-denial and hasten to relieve the long-suppressed pangs of curiosity. (1) Harold Lloyd was born April 20th, 1893, and Tom Meighan in 1888. (2) Girl Shy has been Trade shown, but it won't be released until December 20th. (3) Release date of The Thief of Baghdad isn't fixed yet. It will probably have a big premiere showing in the West End, and Doug, and Mary may be there. (4) I'll see about that plate of David Powell. H. A. A. (Ealing).— Glad to make your acquaintance. I've forwarded your letter to Matheson Lang, and hope you'll have had a reply by the time this appears in print. (5) PICTUREGOER started its auspicious career in January 1921. Maclagen Mad (Beaconsfield). — I share your sorrow, but I daresay I shall survive it. (1) Victor Maclaglen is a Britisher and is about thirty years of age. He is the son of a clergyman, and before he started his screen career was a boxer. He has eight brothers, as big and tall as himself. (2) You can write to German film stars in English. I don't know whether they would send you a photo. (3) There's no fixed rule about sending the stars money for for their photos. Most people send about 2s. E.J. (Malvern).— Letters forwarded. Sally Questions.— Glad you realise what a hard-worked chap I am. (1) I'm going to earn your everlasting gratitude by giving you an interview with Conway Tearle in this issue. Now aren't you glad you sent your love ! (2) Write to the star themselves for signed photos. If you send your letters, and a plain stamped envelope, to me, I'll see that they go to the right addresses. A. V. S. (Southampton). — Thank you for writing and for not having written before. (1) Yon can get an album to keep your photos in from " The Picturegoer Salon," 88, Long Acre. You can also get postcards of film stars. Write and ask them for particulars. (2) Ivor Novello's next film will be the screen version of his play The Rat. (2) Ivy Duke's next will be The Decameron Nights. Juanita (Portsmouth). — Glad to make your acquaintance, Juanita. (1) The name of the girl who played " Angela " in Hollywood is Hope Drown. (2) Address all your enquiries about postcards, etc., to " Picturegoer Salon " 88, Long Acre. (3) I think you should get those signed photos if you ask nicely. (4) Leatrice Joy's birthday is November 7th. She is married to John Gilbert. My head is doing nicely, thank you, and I passed a comparatively peaceful night. Romeo (Sidcup.) — Thanks for your promise to write again. That'll be something to look forward to after my summer holidays. (1) Letter forwarded to Stewart Rome. (2) Stewart isn't married but lives with his mother at 10, Chisholm Road, Richmond. (3) Give Brook is about 35. (4) Kenneth Harlan is 28 years old. (?) I think they'd answer you if you write nicely. Shy Bird (Hull).— You may be shy but you know how to get what you want I've forwarded your letters and hope they'll be as lucky as the others. G. E. M. (Northants). — One question more or less doesn't make much difference. I've been inoculated ! (1) Harry Myers was born in 1882 at Newhaven, Connecticut. (2) He's six feet tall, with blue eyes and dark brown hair. (3)Art plate appeared in August 1922 PICTUREGOER. (4) Some of his films are : — Blissville the Beautiful, Red Eagle's Love Affairs, Over the Wire, A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, Turn to the Right, Kisses, Boy Crazy, The Brass Bottle and Robinson Crusoe. A Film Fan (London). — Letter forwarded to Monte Blue. Jack (Wickmere). — Glad you think I'm a wonderful man. I won't contradict you. (1) Lillian Gish has pale golden hair, a fair complexion, and blue eyes. (2) She isn't married or engaged, though rumour has lately been coupling her name with that of Mr. Duell, who directed her in The White Sister. J. E. B. (St. Peter's-in-Thanet).— (1) Sorry to contradict a lady, but Kenneth Harlan's eyes aren't grey. They're a very dark brown — almost black in fact. (2) I'll concede you another inch in height. Kenneth's a six-footer. (3) I've forwarded your letter to your favourite. I You'll see Enid Bennett in this costume when " The Red Lily " is shown this side. "QUALITY AND FLAVOUR" BOURNYILLE Cocoa | See the name CADBURY on every piece ' of Chocolate WRITE CADBURY, BOURNVILLE ABOUT GIFT SCHEME