Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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SEPTEMBER 1924 Pictures an d Picfxirepuer 65 Lionel. (St. Leonard's). — (1) Write to Rudolph again and I'll forward the letter for you. Perhaps he didn't get your last. (2) Lionel Barrymore was born in 1885 He is an American, though his father was born in England. (3) Address him c/o Lamb's Club, New York City. [VOKINX (Hull). — You letters are now at the mercy of the G.F.O. S. M. B. (Streatham). — Loathed the pictures until she was converted by seeing The Slteik. What a lot that picture's been responsible for. (1) Rudy isn't a " Bluebeard." He's only had one wife besides his present, and her name was Jean Acker. .(2) Address him c/o Paramount Pictures, 485, Fifth Avenue, New York City. (3) The Young Rajah was released on January 5th last. (4) His parents are Italian. (5) An interview appeared in September 1923 issue. Blue Eyes. — Thanks duly earned. Glad you like PICTUREGOER. Denys (Blairgowrie). — (1) Sorry I can't tell you Seena Owen's birthday. (2) Write to her c/o this office. I think she'd send you a photo if you ask nicely. (3) Alma Rubens in The Valley of Silent Men — not Barbara La Marr. (4) Lew Cody was " Sergt. James Kent " in this film. Somebody's Darling (Hull). — Glad you had such a nice photo from Ivor. (1) I've forwarded your letter to Clive Brook. (2) He's in America at present, working for Thomas Ince. A Reader (Croydon). — Thanks very much for the snaps. I've forwarded your letters to Pauline Garon and Lois Wilson. E. A. C. (King's Lynn).— (1) When I die the words " Rudolph, born May 6th, 1895," might be engraved upon my tombstone as an appropriate memorial. (2) I don't know whether you'll ever see The Sheik again, but if you do you might give him a large dose of arsenic with my compliments. Ellanora (Sidcup). — Sorry you missed seeing me at the Garden Party. It must have been a severe blow. (1) Clive Brook wasn't there. He sailed for America, with his wife and baby, a few days before;, and is going to work for Thomas Ince for the next six months. Constanci (Hove) Conway Tearle and Godfrey iy.hL are half brothers. (2) Conway is married to Allele Rowland. (3) An art plate <>( your favourite appeared in April 1924 l'i uiKK (Aberdeen). — Glad you've cheered up sinee you last wrote. Last time, if I remember rightly, your 1< tt< i was redolent of unshed tears, and a sol, lay hid in every word. (Very elegantly put, George, my boy.) (1) Frank Mayo was born in New York in 1886. (2) He was married to Dagmar Godowsky, but he isn't married now. (3) Ruth Roland's next picture will be a feature film — not a serial. (4) She isn't married. Lacrimae Revum (Folkestone). — The ranks of the film fans arc widening. I hasten to welcome you into the fold with the sympathetic kindness of one exalted being to another. (1) Pages of photos of Dick Barthelmess at home appeared in January, 1923 PICTUREGOER, a page article in April, 1923 issue, art plates in May, 1921 and July, 1923 issues, and an interview in October, 1921. (2) Dick is in America at present. (3)His latest films are Twenty-one and The Enchanted Cottage. (4) " Peter Pan " has not been chosen, at the time of writing this. T. W. M. (Leicester). — I've forwarded your letter to Jack Root. Barthelmite (South Africa). — I've passed on your carol with a recommendation to mercy. (1) Dick Barthelmess's little daughter is about eighteen months now. (2) Niles Welch was " Dumbell " in Rags to Riches. Mary (Brixton). — Comedies don't count for the " Faults " page. (1) Send to Picturegoer Salon, 88, Long Acre, for a list of film stars postcards. You will find one of your favourite Helene Chadwick. Fan (Middlesboro'). — There's a nice signed photo of Hugh Miller (as requested) waiting for you in the Editor's office. Hugh Miller left it here for you; he unfortunately lost your letter with a bundle of others whilst travelling. Send it along and I'll forward it to you with his letter. Rudv For Ever (Glasgow). — " Day Dreams," by Rudolph Valentino, can be obtained from The American Book Co., Ltd., 149, Strand, London, price 10/6. Percy Marmont with a photo of himself in " The Shooting of Dan McGrew. iROSSMI 'TSANG-IHANG sweet PERFUME of Thibet The mysterious fragrance of Tsang-Ihang, sweet perfume from the " mystic land beyond the Himalayas " touches a hidden spring of exquisite delight. TSANG • IHANG TOILET CREAM & FACE POWDER ensure a perfect complexion. Perfume 2/9, 4/9. 9/6. Toil* I Face Powder. 9ioL occ. FARWELL & RHINES' Reliable Pure Grmin SANITARY DIABETIC FLOURS .I Recommended by the Medical Profession FOR MILD CASES USI CRESCO FLOUR (Contain* 20% of genuine Gluten) The ideal diet for diabetics. Makes delicious bread and biscuits; palatable and attractive. Unsurpassed in purity. Diabetes FOR SEVERE CASES there is no other brand on the market to-day that eaaalt FARWELL & RHINES GLUTEN FLOUR (Contains 40% of (smnao Gluten) SAFE -- SANE HEALTHFUL Sample} and list of recipes sent on receipt of 6d. postage. H. H. WARNER & CO., LTD., 18-20, Laystall Street, LONDON, E.C.1. Afents for Farwell & Rhine*. Watcrioum. N.Y.