Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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OCTOBER 1924 Pict\jre s and Picture poer Time for odd jobs on wash-dau . If you wash with Persil there's plenty of time for sewing on buttons, cleaning the silver, or any odd job that comes along. With Persil, washing no longer swallows up the whole day. Persil makes it a matter of half an hour and even for that half-hour Persil does the work, not you. Nothing works so fast as Persil, or turns out the clothes so fresh, sweet, and unharmed. In 3id\ and 5£d Packets Penil is full of oxygen which is set free in th; washing. The Persil oxygen eats up the dirt, leaving the clothes clean and / unharmed. ./ Per 50 — 31 II \\ JOSEPH Write for free booklet which tells how to use Persil. CHOSMELn 4 SONS LTD WAKRINGTMK ^ j) the brilliant British Screen Star, creator of " Squibs," says : — " M arson Lyons Chocs, are simply tip-top. Absolutely scrumptious ! And as to variety, why I've had boxes and boxes and still I am always coming across new sorts ! ' ' MAISON LYONS Chocolates delight the most fastidious. You can pay a bigger price, but you cannot get better chocolates. So dainty — so pure — so exquisitely flavoured. Over 80 varieties are made, and new ones are constantly being added. When you go to the Pictures (and when you don't) be sure to ask for 4/ per lb. At Maison Lyons, Corner Houses, Lyons' Teashops, <& Confectioners throughout the Country.