Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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OCTOBER 1924 Picture s and Pichure pver PICTURES AND TH& PICTUR&COErR THE 5CREEM I M VOL. 8. No. 46. OCTOBER, 1924. Editorial Offictt : 93, Long Acre, London. Kit, bu C< onadion Magazine peal PictwregoeK PirvPricks enneth Harlan, I see, is going to marry Marie Prevost. After the experience Marie has had in being the Other Woman, Kenneth's a brave man. Marie Prevost a 1 believe," says Ramon Novarro, " that life was invented in order to play." All the other stars believe that playing was invented in order to live. In the bad old days of the bad old films, the wicked villain always repented if he met little Willie on the stairs in his nightgown. Nowa-days little Willie wears pyjamas — but the wicked villain repents just the same. Norma Talmadge has had quite a lot of trouble deciding what to say in a screen marriage service, at which a real clergyman presided. If she said " I will " it might have made a very nice legal mess. After much thought she hit on " I won't " instead. I suppose it would have been too much to expect an actress of the silent drama to sav nothing at all. H aving made The Storm, House Peters is now going to make The Tornado. That's all right, but what will he do next? After Lon Chaney had made The Shock he perpetrated The Hunchback. See my point ? House Peters. The day of motor-race films seems to be over, and now everyone at the Lasky Studio is learning to bicycle for the big race scenes at " Open All Night," Viola Dana's new feature. It is not true that Jackie Coogan and Baby Peggy are to be costarred in a scooter film shortly. Mack Sennett claims to be one of the heaviest plungers in oil. It sounds as if his bathing beauties are in for a sticky time. Unless, of course, its Mack Sennett. Palm oil he means' In the climax of " Bluebeard's Eighth Wife " Gloria Swanson appears at a society fete as a lady of old Egypt brought to life. Ah, what is home without a mummy ! iharlie Chaplin had a brother, Syd Chaplin. Syd is now going to be " Charlie's Aunt." What do you think a producer would do if he were given a perfectly free hand in choosing his cast — a million dollar cast for which all " limits were withdrawn." Chaplin ? Nazimova ? Wallace Beery? son ? Well, the " Smouldering Fires " chose Laura la Plante, Tully Marshall, and Robert Ellis. If it wasn't for the law of libel ! reater praise hath no pictures than these," announces a certain famous film firm. But if their pictures are as bad as their grammar ! I Wallace Beery. Gloria Swanproducer of "G n " The Law of the Sierras " Maurice Flynn plays one scene entirely with his feet. Some day perhaps we shall find a leading man who can play one scene entirely with his head. Maurice Flynn. Fay Compton says that the first essential of good acting is to make your mind a blank so that the director can transmit his ideas through you. Since most directors haven't got any ideas it's no wonder most films are a bit empty. From a French film advertisement — " Harold Lloyd, in ' A Wolf's Hunger,' with little Bebe Daniels, an infant prodigy who knows all the tricks of the trade and who has already gained a fame equal to that of Jackie Coogan." Of course we always knew that women were much younger than they looked. Colleen Moore is growing cabbages and celery in her garden, because she plays the part of a farmer's wife in " So Big." We know quite a lot of producers who have grown lemons in the studio — and even then didn't know what to do. stelle Tavlor is the latest member of the "No Make-up" Club, which includes Colleen Moore, and a lot of others. They have pledged themselves not to use rouge and lipstick and powder in public any longer. It all sounds suspiciously like an " All Make-up " **» Club to me ! Estelle Taylor.