Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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NOVEMBER 1924 Picture s ar\d Pichure $ver 59 THE CHEROKEE BLUES (Continued from page 44.) tired husband parts that I have been playing recently for Warner Brothers, Brass, and Main Street, Lucretia Lombard and The Marriage Circle, and one or two other hiisband-and-wife-dramas after the same pattern as these. However, I'm playing Debureau now, and I hope I shall enjoy that more. Perhaps my old clowning work will come in useful here," he added with a smile. " You always seem to me to be an outdoor man," I said, thinking of him particularly in The Kcnttickians, and in his early Fairbanks films. " You sure have hit the bull's-eye and rung the bell in once," said Monte with a broad grin. Then he added more seriously, " Outdoor life has always been essential to my work in motion pictures. I've always tried to be the true American, the real American of the big spaces. . ." " If you add ' where men are men,' I'll throw something at you," I interrupted. " Nix on the rough stuff," grinned Monte. " But all the same they did overwork it, didn't they?" Anyway, the public likes best the things it can understand easiest, and what, after all, is easier to understand than a man with clean ideals and a clean mind, who has borrowed something from Nature in every one of her moods, and sees something beautiful in every sunset and every hill? The real American, to me, is a man whose simplicity of soul makes him gentle and enduring and true — in a word, a man from the Great Outdoors." He broke off suddenly. " What bunk I'm talking," he said, " you'll think me all sorts of a highbrow and a fool. I guess I feel things too much sometimes, and they come out in the wrong sort of words. It's best to h61d your tongue when you really feel things, and then you don't run the risk of making a fool of yourself. I've learned that often, suffered, too, from neglecting it when I get up on to tubs and spout. Ah well, I've said it now, and I suppose in due course it will all appear in. print to be brought up ever afterwards as evidence against me I" " It will," I said, as we shook hands. And it has. In proof of which you have only to read this article ! TOM DOUGLAS (Continued from page 35.) " Like Merton," observed Tom, " I have a low-comedy face, and I'll never be able to aspire to real tragedy." But it's a nice face. It can boast of very bright brown eyes, deepset below level brows and a good square forehead. An indeterminate kind of a nose, which doesn't by any means meet with its owner's approbation (he's forever saying rude things about it), and a bcyish grin which is very appealing. Before I left Tom took me all over his flat of which he is justly proud. "The interior decoration is all his own work and is really delightful. There is a guest room, all white and black and red, with a tiny beading of red around even the door panels to match. His own room has a plethora of mirrors and an ornate bedstead that would turn Cecile De Mille green with envy. Also much fine crystal; and his dressing room is exactly like that of a movie star in a Hollywood studio, with its glass topped table, and huge cupboards with sliding doors. This is all white, but the bedroom is mainly "blue. Tom explained everything with housewifely pride. He wants to make more movies this side. He wants to film Captain Courageous and Stalky and other schoolboy tales. He says he thinks there's room for them and he asked me very earnestly to try to find out what the public thinks. Therefore, it is up to you, who read these lines to write Tom and tell him. Tom is writing a play, in collaboration with another gifted youngster, Hermione Baddeley; he said it was to be a comedy of youth. He told me some amusing experiences of his in Switzerland and Paris where he recuperated after the severe illness that followed " Merton " and then we said " Au revoir," because it was getting near to theatre time. Since then he has signed on to make a series of films in this country, so he's evidently a man of his word. He is absolutely the same ingenuous kid off the stage as he is on it, so that if you've seen Tom in "Fata Morgana" you're met Thomas Jefferson Douglas (Douglas is his mother's maiden name) as he is himself. And he certainly knows how to treat interviewers ! Tosie P. Lederer. Betty Doyle, an English girl now working in Hollywood opposite William Desmond. ^JoSSMlTrfs ^J PERFUME ' Dne Scent of cSfraby Spreading still farther the fame of Grossmith Perfumes Shem-el-Nessim went forth a fragrant ambassador to every woman of taste throughout the world. To-day it is the favourite, this " Inspiration in Perfume." SHEM-EL-NESSIM TOILET CREAM & FACE POWDER ensure a perfect complexion. Periume.'2/9.4/9.9'6 Toilet Cream 1/F.ce Powder 9|d. Soip tOJd 4c. Of all Chemists and Perfumers. FARWELL & RHINES' Reliable Pure Grain SANITARY DIABETIC FLOURS Recommended by the Medical Profusion FOR. MILD CASES USE CRESCO FLOUR (Contain! 20% of genuine Gluten) The ideal diet for diabetics. Makes delicious bread and biscuits; palatable and attractive. Unsurpassed in purity. Diabetes FOR SEVERE CASES there is no other brand on the market to-day that eauali FARWELL & RHINES" GLUTEN FLOUR (Contain* 40% of genuine Gluten) SAFE -- SANE HEALTHFUL Samples and list of redpa stnt on receipt of 6d. postage. H. H. WARNER & CO., LTD., 18-20, Layrtall Stnt, LONDON, E.C.1. Agents for Farwell & Rhines. W atertown, N.Y.