Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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64 h^icr\jres anu ricr\jrevoer NOVEMBER 1924 Ralph Forbes and Betty Balfour in " Reveille." Margery (Putney). — I'm afraid I'm no art critic — it takes me all my time being an encyclopaedia. Why don't you write to the Art Editor of one of the big Publishers for an opinion? . E. D. — Letters forwarded. Yes, I was at the Garden Party for a short time. Chiquita (Hove). — (1) Address Tom Meighan, c/o Lasky Studios, 1520, Vine Street, Hollywood, California. (2) Matheson Lang has just finished a new Stoll film, White Slippers. Address him c/o Stoll Studios, Temple Road, Cricklewood. (3) Tom Meighan's next film will be Piper Malone. Nonette— Glad you like PICTUREGOER. I've forwarded your letters. Felix (Hull).— Ditto, Felix. M. H. (London). — (1) Gladys Cooper's address is c/o Adelphi Theatre, Strand, W.C.2. Christine (London). — It's more than my life's worth to publish your " carol," Christine. Try again — with somewhat milder tactics. J. L. (Surrey). — (1) Arthur Carewe was the father, "Paul Savelli," in Daddy. Winnie (Dublin). — I'm sorry I sound so forbidding. Six months is a long time to take screwing up your courage to write. (1) Art plate of Richard Dix in July, 1922 PICTUREGOER, and an interview in March, 1923 issue. E. G. Amoore (New Zealand). — Always glad to help a fellow sufferer. J've passed your letter on. B. N. B. (Bradford). — (1) Try Jury's Imperial Pictures, 19-21, Tower Street, fof photos of Lewis Stone. (2) A two page article on Lewis Stone appeared in August 1923 issue, and an art plate in November 1923. (3) You can get most back numbers from our Publishing Dept., price 1/3 post free. J. S. R. (South Africa). — (1) Viola Dana was born 1898. (2) She has been a widow for some years. (3) Her latest completed film is Merton of the Movies. (4) She is the sister of Edna Flugrath and Shirley Mason. Veteran (Wimbledon).— Your favourite George K. Anderson, the original " Broncho Billy " retired from the screen some years ago, and I have had no news of him since. (2) Nedah Bertram is, I believe, dead, but I can't say whether appendicitis was the cause. (3) No photos available of either of them now. A. C. S. (Scarborough)-. — Wants to know how he can get his two children on the screen. The answer is — you can't. Child actors — actors of any sort, in fact, are a drug on the market just now. I. A. D. (Fulham). — I've passed on your " poem " with a recommendation to mercy. N. N. (London). — There's no prospect of The Sheik being re-issued just now. It has been round the cinemas twice already, but no doubt it will come forth like a giant refreshed bye and bye. L. S. (Esher). — Bouquets and brickbats noted and duly distributed. (1) Eleanor Boardman has not deserted the screen. You'll see her next in The Wine of Youth. (2) The Scarlet Pimpernel was filmed by Fox's some time back. Fred Terry holds all the screen and stage rights this side, so it was never shown in Great Britain. The Quizzy Nibs (Accrington). — Your " pontine de terre," as you call it, is most appropriate. (1)' David Butler and Malcolm MacGregor are two distinct persons. That was a mistake in captioning. (2) Sorry, I haven't Margaret Leahy's address. Why not ask the " Daily Sketch"? (3) When Pola Negri shoots John De Roche in The Cheat it is her dress that he retains in his hand. (4) Tom Meighan has been married about ten years, and has no children. His wife is Frances Ring. (5) Norman Kerry was born in New York, of Irish descent. I'll answer the others next time, if I remember. You've had one over the usual number as it is, my children. Jackie's Admirer (Surbiton). — (1) Your little favourite has fair hair and brown eyes. (2) He was born on October 31st, 1914, in Los Angeles. E. K. R. B. (Upminster). — An art plate of Mahlon Hamilton appeared in Sept. 1922 PICTUREGOER, but I'll do my best to get you another later on. B. F. (London). — (1) Give Brook has a Bungalow in Los Angeles, where he is esconced with his wife, Mildred Evelyn, and his baby daughter. (2) Address him c/o Ince Studios, Culver City, California. Childlover (Dublin). — Much as I should like to help you and your fellow astrologers to " astrologe," I fear *t can't be done. The hour of birth of our leading film stars is a tall order even for such a well-informed, intelligent, and obliging young man as myself. (1) Peter Dear is nine and a half, but I have no record of his birthday. (2) Art plate of Peter appeared in November 1923 PICTUREGOER, obtainable at our Publishing Dept., 1/3 post free. (3) Some of his films are : The Grass Orphan, The Fruitful Vine, The Wandering Jew, Guy Fazvkes, and The Royal Oak. Mary (Orpington). — (1) Corinne Griffith is Mrs. Walter Morasco. Newcomer (Scarborough). — I've forwarded your letter and hope you get an answer soon. Taking the blessing of a grateful man, newcomer, for your questionless letter. Ruby (Brockhurst). — Glad you think me such a little ray of sunshine. (1) Charles Ray was born March 15th, 1891. His next release will be 1 he Courtship of Miles Standish. He has just finished work on a picture called Smith, made under his new contract with Ince, and is now working on The Desert Fiddler. (2) Anna Q. Nilsson's next release is The Fire Patrol. She has just started on Inez. (3) I've forwarded your carol with my blessing. Gollywoggles (Swansea). — Your many demands for interviews, art plates, etc., have been duly noted. Til see what can be done about it (1) There's no set rule about the time it takes for a film star to answer fan mail. (2) Billy Sullivan is a boxer. He played in The Leather Pusher series after Reginald Denny had an illness that prevented him from continuing in them. (3) Successful " Carollers " are rewarded with a bound volume of " Pictures." Sunshine (South Africa).— Pleased to meet you, Sunshine. If you live up to "QUALITY AND FLAVOUR" ROURNYILLE COCOA ■ See the name "CADBURY of Chocolate >* on every piece WRITE CADBURY, BOURNVILLE ABOUT GIFT 8CHEME