Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 PicNres and Pichjrepoer 43 in the Niblo household. The nurse asked mc t>> come into the pretty little bedroom nursery, which was charmingly decorated with gay chintzes, and with Mother Goose subjects on the walls. The little girl's brown eyes — she is the image of her dad — danced and her red lips smiled as she showed me " daddy's book," — a book of denatured fairy stories. That is, they have all the wolves and wicked fairies and big bears deleted — those characters that used to send such delicious thrills tingling down my childish spine, but which are considered to make children " nervous " nowadays. Well, maybe they do. I remember I was rather scared of the dark when a child, and the Niblos' little girl isn't. When her mamma did arrive, she kissed her goodnight, said goodnight to her nurse, the light was switched otf, and presumably she tumbled at once into dreamland. Then there is " Micky !" At least wc always used to call her Micky. I mean Jane Novak's clever little towheaded six-year-old girl, who is now going to school, a private school, and who is such a quaint, delightful little person that she keeps you amused all the time. Now that Virginia has arrived at the mature age of six, she is still quaint. Always Micky has been Jane's best Above: Dorothy Phillips. Circle: Natalie Talmadge Keaton and her baby. Above : Zasu Pitts with Zasu Ann. pal, and the little one tells her stories, listens to stones, travels about with Jane in her big car, and goes out on location with the star. She isn't to go into pictures, says Jane. But, after all, who knows? Already Virginia is a great little mimic. " Oh, 1 cannot be separated from my little Gwen ever again !"' says Mrs. Allen11 Holubar, otherwise Dorothy Phillips, widow of the noted director, who died at the height of his success same months ago. Everywhere in screenland the tale is the same. Be they ever so wicked on the screen, the stars one and all have a decidedly domestic streak, and their homes, and above^all, their kiddies, take first place in their lives.