Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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74 i Does your Complexion Embarrass you? What is more embarrassing than blackheads and other skin blemishes ? And yet, what is easier than to keep the fascinating charm of a clear and beautiful complexion always with you ? Only give your skin the attention it deserves — by cleansing it every night with Vivaudou Lemon Cream — and your complexion becomes a source of pride and admiration. You can test this great beauty discovery of Monsieur Vivaudou for the small cost of 6cl. . Do so, before you obtain supplies from your chemist, by filling up and posting the coupon below. It is well worth the trouble. Picture s and Pichjre pue oan*+nj*cto "vtevo-ooo* LEMON CREAM (SSS5S i Post this Coupon to-day 1 To Penney & Co., Ltd., Sole Distributors of Vivaudou Toilet I Preparations (Dep«i71). 20 Old Cavendish St.; London, W.i, ' Please send generous sample package of Vivaudou Toilet | Preparations together with instructive literature as illustrated I and described below. I enclose Postal Order value 6d. and Address .... The package contains: Booklet, ''The Vivaudou Remem 1 brancer," Instructive Leaflet, . "Around the Clock with I Vivaudou." Liberal Samples of \ Vivaudou Lemon Cream, Beauty Powder, Beauty I Cream and " Narcisse I de Chine" Complexion . Powder. Chemist* 1 Name and Address . NO SUBSTlTUTEor FANCY FLOUR has e»er equalled BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER for giving the beat reralta in borne baking. Before startlog to "cut out1' get our chart. "Making-up" on a stand modelled to your own measurements saves guessing, time, and material, jo years reputation behind each stand. Catalogue post free. — CLARK'S DRESS STAND CO. LTD., Tottenham Street, W.x, Expanding Model as illustrated, suitable for all sites. Price complete in box, carriage paid U.K. 45/ W bh* 8$ 9*4 (Grey and White Double Price). From all leading Drapers. Chemiitt and Hairdrtiten. Mildred Harris has beautiful, fair, silky locks. another I'm a great believer in the oldfashioned method of looking after one's own hair. Ten minutes brushing night and morning with a good bristle brush that reaches the scalp without ■scratching it, is of far more value than all the patent massage yet invented. Then, too, I think sunlight is a great natural beautifier and strengthener. There is nothing like it for bringing out the lights and colours of the hair, and I indulge in a sun-bath as often as I have the time. Another thing I find very good, is to give my head at least three rinsings in ice cold water after I've shampooed it. I find it helps to circulate the blood through my scalp and gives a healthy shine to my hair. As for the shampoo itself I use an old-fashioned recipe that my mother gave me. In case you would care to try it I am writing it down here. Take equal parts of soft soap (British Pharmacopeia) and eau-de-cologne, and mix them well together. If you ask the chemist I daresay he will mix them for you, and a four-ounce bottle will last you for some time. Use two teaspoonfuls of the mixture in a pint of warm water, and rub it well into the scalp, until you have worked up a good lather. When you rinse it be sure to see that every particle of soap has been removed before you start drying it. This is very important, for if any soap is left in the hair it soon gets greasy and scurfy. Whether it is worth while going to the trouble of having this shampoo made up I leave to you. I use it because I find it suits my hair so well, but there are so many excellent shampoos on the market that you need have no difficulty in finding a good one. There are, I believe, several very reliable ones mentioned in the advertisement columns of this paper. /^\ne of the greatest enemies to lovely ^'Mocks that the screen actress has to fight is the harmful effect of the Klieg lights. The scorching heat burns the hair until it becomes brittle and lifeless and much art is needed to keep it beautiful. For this reason a number of actresses wear wigs in their films. DECEMBER 1924 though these are so carefully made that it is impossible to detect their artificiality in many cases. Betty Compson has covered her red-brown tresses with a blond wig in a number of her pictures, and Agnes Ayres gravitates between a smooth and fuzzy wig. I am one of the very few actresses who very seldom wear any but my own hair, unless I am playing a character role that demands a change on my part. gloria Swanson, by the way, has one of the neatest shingles in Hollywood. It is cut close to the head and practically unwaved, and many are the sighs of those whose rebellious curls refuse to imitate her sleek coiffure. But, unfortunately, the human hair can be very obstinate, and some people's just won t lie flat. A touch of brilliantine on the hair-brush will generally remedy this, although I don't recommend its use t) those whose locks are naturally greasy. If you belong td that category I suggest that you try one of the new .hair-nets for bobbed hair. I am not, as a rule, an admirer of the hair-net, but nowadays these are made so finely that it is almost impossible to detect them if you choose one the exact shade of your hair. Derhaps the worst difficulty of hair treatment is the one that must be faced by those whose hair is turning grey. Very often they are still quite young, and they rather rebel against the untrue badge of age foisted too soon upon them. In that case I don't see any harm in dyeing it, so long as this is done with a good safe hair dy»\ Nobody wants to look older than they are and hair-dyes are made nowadays that do not merely tint, but bring back the natural colour of the hair as well. They can be applied at home quite easily and take no more than twenty or thirty minutes to use. So if your hair :s becoming flecked with silver, remember that it is a woman's right to make herself as attractive as she can, and to use a hackneyed expression, " A woman's crowning — " You know the rest. Leatrice Joy calls artificial braids to her aid in a De Mille movie.