Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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76 Pictures and Pictv/reOuer DECEMBER 1924 QsoumustAave I J your Chrj etf j made foweafurej Every Contoural Corset is made specially to exact measurements, thus ensuring a perfect fit. UP to the present, it has been possible only ior the comparatively wealthy to wear corsets made to measure. But it is now no longer necessary to pay three guineas to be perfectly corseted. No woman who has respect for her figure should buy ready-made corsets. All contours differ, no matter how slightly. If you would retain that slim, youthful outline or regain a fascinating form, you must wear Contoural Corsets, the most perfectly modelled and beautifully finished yet created. Each pair o' Contoural Corsets has a Patent Busk of Double Strength, with extra resilient top and Special Busk Protector which prevents damage to gowns and Lingerie. No Bones used. Special Non-Rustable Spiral Supports guaranteed not to break through. Hygienic, Dainty and Washable with Silk-Finished Suspenders. The acme of comfort. The only perfectly modelled finest quality Corset, made to measure, offered to-day at a reasonable price, Contoural Corset 14/6 post free, or if preferred will be sent upon receipt of '2,6 down, and the balance by 12 weekly instalments of II each. A fascinating figure should be woman's foremost feature. r.2. Fill in tbis Coupon to-day. SELF MEASUREMENT FORM. My measurements are — Height* Waist Hips / enclose 2/6 and will remit balance by 12 instalments of II each. Name Address 'To-day's fashion decrees that top of corset should be two inches above waist-line. CONTOURAL CORSET C°! 59 GREAT PORTLAND STWl.l Carmel Myers (left); and the comedy chorus of " The Punch Boid" revue. When I was asked if I would "kindly give PICTUREGOER readers the benefit of a short chat about figures " I was frankly terror stricken. Because there are figures and figures. And I'm not a bit of good at counting. I thiak few women are, really. As to the other kind of figure, well, as a fullyexperienced movie vamp I suppose I do know quite a little about the subject. Certainly, if I had to choose, I would plump for a lovely figure rather than a beautiful face. We cannot entirely re-mould our features, although what with beauty-masks, skin lifting, etc., etc., a fair amount of renovating can be done. But we can (and do, if we're wise) alter our figures to suit ourselves, or the reigning fashion. It is really Dame Fashion who is responsible for the alteration in my lady's outline that has taken place during the last ten years. I am a believer in physical jerks for the figure, aided and abetted of course by a good corset maker. I think every woman differs from every other woman a little bit. Therefore I advise you to have your corset made for you rather than force your body into a corset designed for someone else's. l_Jow corsets have altered in this last ten years, haven't they? Can you, my fair reader, remember them in 1910? Weren't they long and oh my ! weren't they stiff? Nowadays, you can obtain a very good corset without a single bone in its body. It isn't only corsets, though. When I think of the words physical perfection I think of a whole lot of other things besides. I think of a clear pink and white skin, which means a perfectly clean bill of health. I think of a springing walk, not a roundshouldered slouch, to which alas ! so many so-called " beauties " are incorrigibly addicted. You know, I suppose, that you can never be really graceful, nor even " dashing-looking " (which is a little 14 year old friend of mine's ideal of perfection, she tells me) if you stoop. Good health, which is brought about in the first place by diet, exercise, fresh air, deep breathing, is the only foundation for real grace. It doesn't cost anything except a little trouble, and it is most important. I believe I am right when I say that every deep breath is a beauty aid. For to do deep-breathing exercises you've got to stand upright. Rounded shoulders cramp the lungs, so stand before an open window, raise you arms high above your head, shoulders batk. Then let your arms drop to your sides as you relax. In days gone by (not so very far back though) when we poor, unfortunate women had hour-glass figures with 16 inch waists, deep breathing, except on rising and retiring was a physical impossibility. It is very different now. Nothing stands between a girl and her deep breathing exercises to-day. A salt dry rub, too, is a favourite morning tonic with me. You dissolve a cup of ordinary salt in a quart of hot water. Then soak a big Turkish towel well in it, and hang this up to dry without squeezing it. You can't use it till it is dry. But rub yourself from top to toe with it the next morning when you rise and just see how " full of beans " you'll feel afterwards. T could descant for pages upon this subject, for so much goes to the making of a really well-groomed appearance, but space is precious and so is my time. I hope, however, that these few words may interest you sufficiently to make you follow out some of my pet precepts.