Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Picture s and Pichjre Over 79 your shoulders and press forward on to the hands, resisting the pressure as much as you can. Now relax and let your arms fall to your sides. Don't forget to keep your back rigid and your chin well in whilst exercising. To whiten the skin of your arms and shoulders try an oatmeal paste made ot fine meal and warm milk. This must be rubbed in well and not rubbed off until it is nearly dry. Is it necessary to tell you never to go *■ to bed until you have washed your face thoroughly to rid it of the day's accumulation of dust and dirt? If these are allowed to cling and work their way in during the eight hours or so you arc asleep how on earth do you expect to have a clear, fresh complexion. I know bed's a temptation when one comes home all-in from a dance or party, but try to remember that beauty is a fleeting thing and needs constant care if you would keep it. Whether cold or hot water in the morning is the best is a question on which no two skin experts can agree. Some advise very hot water, using the steam only to open the pores and cleanse the face, others say use it just tepid, whilst others prefer cold water because it closes the pores and enables them to resist any injurious substance. I like cold water myself in the morning, though I use warm during the day. But, as I said before, every skin is different and needs individual treatment. A final word about make-up. Rouge if you want to, it won't hurt you so long as you use it in moderation. Apply your powder last of all. The cream will hold it on the three dangerpoints i.e. nose, chin and forehead. You need not touch your face again for hours. In that you're luckier than I, for at the time of writing I am putting in two houses a day and spend several hours a day putting on and taking off my stage make-up. Colleen Moore's nifty vanity-doll. "The Woman Who Longs for Beauty Must Make Up Her Mind— Not Merely Her Face!" These are the words of the world's most famous Builder of Beauty — HELENA RUBINSTEIN whose internationally renowned Valaze Beauty Preparations are known in every quarter of the globe as " concentrated good looks." Helena Rubinstein, by devoting herself to building beauty from every standpoint, has mastered methods that bring out your characteristic qualities that make your looks show the essential, inner " you." So, make up your mind and be beautiful — let Helena Rubinstein plan an individually suited method of beautv culture for you — in harmony with your personality. She would like to know you — she would welcome a visit, or a detailed description of your skin — and in this way, you are sure of receiving something more than conventional suggestions — you will reap the full benefit of having the world's most universally recognised Beauty Culturist THINKING PERSONALLY FOR YOU! "Face Keeping" at Home. Value Pasteurized Facial Cream, a marvellous new cream to cleanse, massage, nourish, soothe, and smooth the skin. 3/ Valaze Beauty Grains, to be used in place of soap, to cleanse, animate, whiten, give smoothness and beauty. 4/ Valaze Bleaching Cream, to whiten sallow or sunburned skin. Beautifies arms and throat. 4/6 Valaze Beautifying Skinfood, to induce, maintain, and preserve a wholesomely beautiful condition of the skin. 5/ Valaze Anthosoros, a rich, nourishing cream for dry, thin, wrinkled faces and necks. 5/6 Valaze skintoning Lotion, to brace and brighten the skin. 5 at Valaze Roman Jelly consolidates relaxed muscles, strengthens tissues, corrects contour of face and throat. 4/6 Valaze Hand Cream restores softness, whiteness, and silkiness to hands with a fex applications. 2 6 Valaze Balm Rose protects the skin from weather conditions, prevents discoloration and freckles, excellent powder base. 3/6 Creme de Lilat, a beautifying day cream of unique fragrance. 3/ Valaze Complexion Powder for normal skins and Novena Poudre for dry skins are delicately soft, giving a velvety skin texture. All tints. From 4 6 jnd 5/6 respectively. Lessons. "F ace -Keeping -and wise — women spare time occasionally for a half -guinea They emerge of increasing Many busy " Face-keeping " Lesson Treatment at the Valaze Salons, beautified, rested, instructed, and cheered by the certainty attractiveness through suitable, simple home care. Loveliness in the Ballroom is assured when the complexion is beautified and fortified with the Vala/e Beauty aids. To accentuate the colour and allure of the eyes — to give the lips beauty of colour and shape — to ensure the skin remaining cool-looking, smooth and softly tinted throughout dance orother evening function, there are specialities to suit every type and every taste. Exclusive Beauty Treatments are given at the Salon Valaze to correct every conceivable beauty flaw No fees accepted for consultations, postally or personally. Write for brochure "Beauty for Every Woman." 24 GRAFTON STREET, LONDON, W.l (Off Bond Street, facing Hay Hill.) 'Phone— May fair 4611. NEW YORK-46 West 57th Street. PARIS— 126 Faubourg Saint Honor*. Harrogate Agency — Miss Morton, Grosvenor Buildings (opposite Royal Baths). Glasgow Agency — Miss Lawrie, 334 Sauchiehall Street, Charing Cross. Edinburgh Agency — Miss C. Lawiie, 7a Hope Street (West End).