Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Picture s and Pichure Over 81 CROSSMITH'S m Fntrmitinv f Fascinating Indian PERFUME From the Orient's wealth of fragrance the sweetest of all was captured and named Phul-Xann. It is a wonderful ly lasting and refreshing perfume. PHUL-NANA TOILET CREAM & FACE POWDER ensure a perfect complexion. Perfume. 2/9. 4/9. 9/6 Toilet Cream, 1/ Face Powder. 9Jd Soap, 10'd.. &c. Of all Chemists and Perfumers. Sole Proprietors : GROSSMITH LONDON. FARWELL & RHINES' Reliable Pure Grain SANITARY DIABETIC FLOURS Recommended by the Medical Profession FOR MILD CASES USE CRESCO FLOUR (Contain* 20°; of genuine Gluten) The ideal diet for diabetics. Makes delicto us bread and biscuits; palatable and attractive. Unsurpassed in purity. YOUR TEETH CAN BE SAVED SANOGYL A scientifically prepared Dentifrice to prevent and cure PYORRHEA Mercurial Stomatitii, Gingivitis, Bad Breath and all Mouth Infections. By Dr. B. Kritchevsky and Dr. P. Seguin of the Pasteur Institute of Paris. The only Tooth Paste with a Pasteur Exhibition Diploma (1923) ™smwsmF&mB& 1HE ONIV T001H PASIE WTH A PASTEUR EXHIBITION DIPLOMA l<M1 Sold by all Chemists, Army & Navy Stores, Barkers, Boots, Harrods, Sclfridges, Whiteleys, Civil Service Stores, G. Loucatos, Bombay, Transvaal Drug Stores, South Africa, etc., at 2/6 per tube, or direct from The Sole Agents for the British Empire — SEALAND TRADING LTD., 24, Holborn, London, E.C.I. NOTHING is so repellent and disillusioning as hair growth on the arms of a woman. Every suggestion of daintiness is instantly destroyed. For removing unwanted hair growths of any kind there is nothing so effective and pleasant to use as Veet. Veet is a new perfumed velvety cream that has entirely superseded noxious dangerous depilatories. It is far better than scraping razors which only make the hair grow faster and thicker each time they are used. Whereas razors and ordinary depilatories merely remove hair above the skin surface, Veet melts the hair away beneath it. It is as easy to apply as a face cream. Simply spread it on as it comes from the tube, wait a few minutes, rinse it off, and the hair is gone as if by magic. The many and obvious uses of Veet will appeal to all women. Satisfactory results guaranteed in every case or money is returned. Veet may be obtained for 3s. 6d. and Is. 6d. from a.1 chemists, hairdressers and stores. Also sent in plain wrapper upon receipt of purchase price, plus6d. for postage, etc. (Trial size by post for 6d. in stamps}. Dae Health Laboratories (Dept. 46 Z) 68, Bolsover Street. London, W.l. FOR SEVERE CASES there is no other brand on the market to-day that eauals FARWELL & RHINES' GLUTEN FLOUR 'Contain! 40% of genuine Gluten) SAFE SANE HEALTHFUL Samples and list of recipes sent on receipt of 6<f. postage. H. H. WARNER & CO., LTD., 1S-20, Layitall Street, LONDON, E.C.1. >l«ent, for Farwell & Rhines. Watcrlown. N.Y. (Jashion Sketching and earn big money If' you have any drawing ability at all we can teach you, either personally at our Studio or by post in your own home, to produce the sort of Fashion work, that Editors want. You can earn while learning. Sketches bought and sold. Introductions to positions. Write for particulars :— The Secretary . COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL 12 & 13 Henrietta St., Strand, London. W.C.2 Poster Designing, Black & White and Story Illustrating also taught. Established 1900. UME An extremelv powerful and reliable GERMICIDE DISINFECTANT DEODORANT with a most pleaiant aroma. Kills germs of disease in 20 seconds according to tests by leading authorities. Outfits, complete 5 6 each. Refills in bottles at 2/3. 3/6. 6/3 each. Obtainable at all leading Chemist* and Stores, snch as Harrods. Selfridges. Army & Navy. Gamages. &c.. or post free direct from WALDEN, WALDEN & CO., 89-91, Great Portland Street, W.l. *J&cai&linabc& iVl lEYEBROWS MEAN EVERYTHING. Try Bruihinf them & Prettily Curving Upward* I your Lathe* with our Chic Beauty Mascot Brush rFR£E with our enriching Eyebrow ■ Eyelash Food. — Special Christmas Price 2s. post free. Woman's Charm ia her Sweetness. Our delicate Compound keeps the armpits sweety and fragrant. .... Special Christmas Price 2b. post free. x"^ _ The Modern -»*»"^ Hyg-irne Co. 16, Paradise St.. Liverpool.