Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Pictures ar\d PichureQver 83 Waist and Hips Reduced in Ten Seconds with New Kind of Girdle The Moment You put on this New Kind of Girdle Your Waist and Hips Look. Inches Thinner — and You GET Thin while Looking Thin, for this New invention Produces the Same Results as an Expert Masseur. Makes Fat Vanish with surprising rapidity while You Walk, Play or Work, yet does it so Gently that You Hardly Know it is There. No More Heart-straining Exercises — No More Disagreeable Starving Diets — No More Harmful Medicines — No more Bitter Self-Denials. AT LAST! A wonderful new scientific ^^ girdle that improves your appearance immediately, and reduces your waist and hips almost " while you wait " ! The instant you put on the new girdle the bulky fat on the waist and hips seems to vanish, the waist-line lengthens, and your body becomes erect, graceful, youthfully slender ! And then, with every step you make, with every breath you take, with every little motion, this new kind of girdle gently massages away the disfigureing, useless fat, and you look and feel many years younger ! Look More Slender at Once ! Look Thin While Getting Thin. Think of it — no more protruding abdomen — no more heavy, bulging hips. By means of this new invention, known as the Madame X Reducing Girdle, you can look more slender immediately ! You don't have to wait until the fat is gone in order to appear slim and youthful ! You actually look thin while getting thin ! It ends for ever the need for stiff corsets and gives you with comfort Fashion's straight boyish lines ! Actually Reduces Fat. The Madame X Reducing Girdle is different from anything else you've seen or tried — far different from ordinary special corsets or other reducing methods. It does not merely draw in your waist and make you appear more slim; it actually takes off the fat gently but surely. The Madame X Reducing Girdle is built upon scientific massage principles which have caused reductions of 5, 10, 20, even 40 pounds. It is made of the most resilient rubber — especially designed for reducing purposes — and is worn over the undergarment. Gives you the same slim appearance as a regular corset without the stiff appearance and without any discomfort. Fits as snugly as a kid glove —has suspenders attached — and so constructed that it touches and gently massages every portion of the surface continually! The Without GirdU. With Girdle. Improves your appearance instantly — works for you every second of the day to reduce the excess fat. constant massage causes a more vigorous circulation of the blood, not only through these parts but throughout the entire body ! Particularly around the abdomen and hips, this gentle massage is so effective that it often brings about a remarkable reduction in weight in the first few days. Those who have worn it say you feel like a new person when you put on the Madame X Reducing Girdle. You'll look better and feci better. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll be able to walk, dance, climb, indulge in outdoor sports. Many say it is fine for constipation, which is often present in people inclined to be stout. For besides driving away excess flesh the Madame X Reducing Girdle supports the muscles of the back and sides, thus preventing fatigue; helps hold in their proper place the internal organs, which are often mis* placed in stout people, and this brings renewed vitality and aids the vital organs to function normally again. Free Booklet Tells All. You can't appreciate how marvellous the Madame X Reducing Girdle really is until you have a complete description of it. Send no money in advance — just post the coupon below and learn all about this easy and pleasant way of becoming fashionably slender. Post the coupon now and you'll get a full description of the Madame X Reducing Girdle and our reduced price, special trial offer. The Madame X Reducing Girdle takes the place of stiff corsets, and gives you with comfort Fashion's straight boyish lines. Makes you look and feel years younger. THOMPSON BARLOW CO., Inc., (Dept. 9512), 14, Regent Street, London S.W.I. Thompson Barlow Co., Inc., Dept 9S12, 14, Regent St., London, S.W.I. Please send me without obligation, fre^ description of the Madame X Reducing Girdle, and alsodetails of your special reduced price offer. Name Address Town