Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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84 Pictures an d PichjreQ ve* DECEMBER 1924 What Charm Excels Pearly Teeth? Combat that dingy film \\THAT adds so much to charm and beauty " as pearly teeth ? You see them everywhere to-day. A new way of teeth cleaning has come. Millions now employ it. This offers a ten-day test, to show you. They now fight film Teeth are clouded by that viscous film you feel. It clings and stays. Soon it forms a dingy coat. Then teeth lose their lustre and beauty. Film holds food substances which ferment and form acid. The acid mav cause decav. After long research, dental science discovered two ways to fight that film. One disintegrates the film at all stages of formation. One removes it without harmful scouring. Protect the Enamel Pepsodent disintegrates the film, then removes it with an agent far softer than enamel. Never use a film combatant which contains harsh grit. These methods have proved effective. A new-type tooth paste applies them daily. The name is Pepsodent. It brings a new dental era to the homes of some fifty nations. Delightful secrets Pepsodent brings other essential effects. It multiplies alkalinity of the saliva, which is there to neutralize mouth acids. It multiplies the digestant for starch deposits. Its use multiplies the power of these natural protecting agents. Send the coupon for a 10-day tube. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. See teeth become whiter as film disappears. You will prize these benefits. You will want your family to have them. Cut out coupon now. ^^^^^ aaaMMHMm«BMnB^BHMMn mark TRADE ^^MK^i^^ia^ai^^MaMnHB* The NewDay Dentifrice Colonial Addreue* — AuMtralia 137, Clarence Street. Sydney. N.S.W. Canada 191. George St.. Toronto. S. Africa P.O. Box 6SJ1. Johannesburg. Readers resident in these countries may send coupon to niiovi; branches. CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW 10-DAY TUBE FREE 1393 THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, (l>ept256) 12. Southwark Bridge Road. London, S.E.I. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent to— Name Address Olvo fall s.MroKS. Only one tube to Write plainly. i twully. PIGocr,(Dec/iaj4. DoKb _^nKi le ! NORMA SHEARER The fair Canadienne who starred in " Broken Barriers " and is now working with Victor Seastrom in " He Who Gets Slapped." When I was a youngster I can remember an old auntie of mine whose slogan was " Don't worry, smile." She was a dear old thing, I was very fond of her, and she died with her favourite expression on her lips. It has been my motto ever since. I ran away to go on the stage, you know. I set out with the full determination that fame, a career, and wealth should be mine. I've achieved part of my ambition, but it wasn't easy. I was a " trouper " for years. I don't know if you in England know what that means. In case you don't I'll tell you. It means doing odd bits with second and third-rate touring companies, never sure of your bread from one week's end to another. It means tramping, sometimes, and discomfort always. But I loved it. I am pretty strong, though I look rather fragile, and although I had a hard bed many, many nights I came up-smiling in the morning. C'eriously I find a smile is the pass-key to so many nice things. I can be ■serious enough, but I like to smile and see others smile 'cos I smile. Which brings me to the purpose of this little article. You cannot smile properly, unless you've a nice shiny row of teeth to smile with. Nature has very kindly provided mine, but if she's been cruel to you, why, summon art to your aid, but you should take great care of your own teeth for they are the best of all. Nearly every illness can be traced to decayed teeth, for a tiny black speck on a tooth leads to horrible things. f brush mine three times every day. sometimes more often than that. I mix my own tooth powder but if you glance through the pages of this supplement you will find several proved and excellent dentifrices advertised there. The best thing about these modern preparations is that they prevent decay and the dreaded pyorrhea. It may be bad for the dentistry business but it's good for the purse, believe me. But, however lean your purse may be, try not to let it depress you. I know this is not as easy as it sounds but it's sound advice. I got my first regular engagement because I was the only one in the room of applicants who had a cheerful grin. There was exactly 10 cents in my purse between me and starvation, but I kept smiling. So go thou and do likewise.