Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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86 Picture s and Picture pver DECEMBER 1924 'arOuerite Ma Motto the popular and beautiful Film Star says : — ' Beetham's La-Rola is a splendid toilet preparation. It cleanses, soothes and tones up the skin, thus ensuring a youthful and natural complexion. Your 'Rose Bloom,' too, is all that could be desired." """•BrrStei r^**~" \^OUR mirror will speedily show you the wonderful effects of Beetham's "La-Rola." This delightful toilet preparation not only beautifies the complexion, and helps it to retain its youthful elasticity and freshness ; it preserves it against the inclemency of the weather and exposure to extremes of temperature. Pale complexions are greatly improved by just a touch of "LA-ROLA ROSE BLOOM" which gives a perfectly natural bloom to the cheeks. It is quite undetectable. BEETHAMS_ 1 FROM ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES: BEETHAM'S LA-ROLA 1/6 the Bott LA-ROLA ROSE BLOOM 1/ the Box M. BEETHAM & SON. CHELTENHAM SPA :: ENCLAND.