Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Picture s and Picture pver A.. Your Chemist Stocks Them Packed ia distinctive tin boxes containing 2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. 1 lb. 8d. 1/3 2/3 4/3 Stop that > irritating coach: WHEN that irritating " tickle " at the bacK of the throat brings on coughing, try an "Allenburys " Glycerine and Black Currant Pastille. The mildly astringent action of ripe black currant juice soothes and clears the delicate throat membranes and gives immediate relief. These pastilles also protect the throat from infection, of which there is always a danger in crowded trams and buses as well as in the close or draughty atmosphere of the theatre. They are excellent too, for relieving the dryness and irritation of the throat caused by too much smoking. The " Allenburys " Glycerine and Black Currant Pastilles have a delicious refreshing flavour quite distinct from that of ordinary sweets ; they contain no drugs and may be taken freely without causing any harmful effect. (Allenburys X BlllVCu'rarrt PAS 1 I L L E S ALLEN 37 LOMBARD & HANBURYS LTD. STREET LONDON E.C.3