Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Picture s and Pic t'xjreQver 91 T HERE is a charm and individuality in the weaving and skilful blend of colours which have earned for "LUVISCA" a world wide reputation for serviceableness under all climatic conditions. A "LUVISCA" BLOUSE IS AN IDEAL XMAS RESENT. Striped Q /Q Designs «/«> yard (37 — 38 inches wide) in latest shades and colourings AT NEW REDUCED PRICES i — per I Plain Q C per Shades O/D yard Alio " Lb V1SCA" Blouses and Pyjamas ready-to-wear in newest style* and designs. // any difficulty in obtaining plea* write COURT AULDS, Ltd. (Dept.&b). 19, Aldermanbury, London, E.C.2. whowill tend you the name of the nearest retailer and an Illustrated Booklet. -ON THE SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE No. 99K NO need to even touch hand wheel or treadle — the Singer 99K starts automatically and sews automatically — intricate fancy stitching as easily i as plain needlework. You just connect up to a lamp socket, switch on the current, and regulate the speed by a light pressure on the knee-lever. And the Singerlight — a convenient little electric lamp fitted to the head of the machine — enables you to sew independently of any other light in the" room. Ordinary SINGER Machines can also be fitted to sew by electricity. One sc-ew fixes the simple little Singer Bracket-type Electric Motoi — it needs no further attention ; the Singerlight can be fitted just as easily. A*k any Singer Salesman for particulars or write: Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Ltd.. Shops in every Town. i ^ Cjrff* SO f STAROfTHt Jinc(?<£ake UN»^s^ "/ consider ' Mason Pearson' brushes indispensable adjuncts to the toilet. Their use ensures that thorough brushine of the hair right down to the scalp which is the secret of healthy lustrous tresses. I would not be without them." GIVE a Mason Pearson Brush this Christmas — and why not ? There could be no more useful and acceptable gift for man or woman. The Mason Pearson Hair Brush has unique features that no other brush possesses. The tufts of genuine Wild Boar Bristles do their work both speedily and thoroughly. You feel them get right down to the scalp with a pleasant invigorating action; wonderfully beneficial to the hair. Made in four grades: — "Junior," 7/6; " Popular," 10 6; "Standard," 15 j " Extra," 18 6. ■^Q<=5 MASON DEARSON . London. 1 Eng. :sjk« Of Boots, Harrods, Barkers, Selfridges, Army & Navy Stores, Civil Service Stores, and all high class Hairdressers, Stores and Chemists, or direct post free i from — MASON PEARSON SELLING AGENCY, 61, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. W.C.I.