Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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92 Pictures and Pichuretyoer Be Sure its a .* Rritannic ** Watch Bracelet E& WANDA HAW LEY the popular American Film Star who visited England last year. / WHEN purchasing a Watch Bracelet, whether for yourself or as a gift to a friend, you naturally want the best that your money will buy. You cannot judge by appearances whether a Bracelet will give good service. But you can be sure if you buy a "Britannic" Expanding Bracelet. It is known throughout the world to be the best both for durability and fine finish. The springs have been many times tested by opening and closing bracelets mechanically over 100,000 times and they have stood this test perfectly. Every bracelet is guaranteed for five years. That is why you should see that the name " Britannic " is inside the Bracelet you buy. The Queen of Watch Bracelets The "Britannic" may be seen at all goodclass jewellers complete with watches in various styles from 4 guineas. Also " Britannic " Expanding Bands alone with hooks to replace straps. Britannic and J3esf See the name "Britannic" is engraved inside the band, because very inferior imitation are offered as " Britannic " Bracelets ide I ■»!S I Us. I DECEMBER 1924 good projectors on the market nowadays at quite reasonable prices, so that there's no reason why any young kinomonger who has one adoring relative shouldn't be able to stage his or her own kinema show at home. Old films are always being advertised, and as the real thrill comes in the working part of the programme, neither audiences nor " showmen " are likely to grumble about the programmes being years old. "W/'illard Louis sends us a cable for this symposium. It reads "I want a book on ' How to Get Fat.' Will anyone oblige?" We will have our own back on Willard on All Fool's Day. No wonder they chose him for the lead in The, Man Without a Conscience ! Says Art Acord : " Christmas and all it means to me depends on the time I have to spend on it or with it. Some years we are so busy shooting scenes I have only a day or two. Sometimes, though, we have a week or so. " But there is only one Christmas in the year anyway, and the day itself is the world's happiest time, I guess. One year I went out to Nevada to my ranch there and the boys planned a big barbecue for me, for I hadn't seen some of them for ages. When I'm in town I'm most interested in the kiddies' Hospitals. I'd like to supply them all with dolls, candies, toffee and goodies, but as I'm no Croesus I confine my efforts to the one which is hardest up. I would rather give these poor kids a treat than blow my friends to something expensive they probably don't need. For myself I guess I'd rather get cigars than anything else." CTddie Polo was still in England when this went to press. His views on Xmastide are not unlike those of Art Acord, though. " I always try to make somebody's kiddies happy at this time," he writes. " You know I don't think there is anything more beautiful in the world than the streets Christmas nights. Looking into the windows of the different homes, the lighted trees,, the wreaths in the Laura La P)ante likes Pearls.