Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 windows and the kiddies' voices — Gee, it's wonderful. " California never seems like real Xmas to me because of the lack of snow. I like to wake up Christmas morning and be able to look out of my window and see snow falling. There is •something about snow seen from one's bed through a glass window that gets the Xmas spirit into your blood and sends you off on the big day with a bang. " I always have fixed up about thirty baskets of food, with turkeys, candies, jellies, fruits, bread, tea, wine, crackers and everything I can think of to distribute amongst poor families — that's the real joy of the day for me. " I guess there are plenty to be found in England if my plan of spending Xmas 1924 in Canada doesn't materialise. "For my own stocking? Well, a brand new plot for a movie serial I guess. Any offers?" Driscilla Dean thinks letters from friends are her favourite Xmas gifts. " Especially from those I never see. If an old friend writes me a long newsy letter at this busy season it's proof positive she really cares a lot for me — and that's what counts, not how much she can afford to spend on me. I send away a great many fountain pens and tiny silver and gold pocket pencils. As a sort of ' When this you see pray Picture s and Pichure puer 93 write to me.' " The Christmas of all is a copy of gift I cherish most Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare,' given to me by Joseph Jefferson (Rip Van Winkle) when I was six years old." Margaret Livingstone, who has only recently sprung fully into the spotlight, declares herself in favour of scent. So does Marie Prevost. So do Dorothy Devore and Ethel Shannon. The lastname had a " Maytime " perfume specially dedicated to her pretty self after the Maytime film was released. A bright young chemist originated the idea, but alas ! his young ardour cooled when he met Miss Shannon's husband. And so the glad game goes on. Verily one needs a long purse as well as a long " waiting list " in December ! Madge Bellamy. £y SAMUEL GOLDWVN Here is a book brimming over with intimate personal pictures of stars — Mary Pickford, Charles Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, the Talmadge sisters, Pola Negri, Rudolph Valentino and a dozen others — all described with the double knowledge of one who has been and is their friend but who has also had constant business dealings with them as artists. Mr. Goldwyn leaves us in no doubt that he knows these idols — perhaps better than some of them know themselves. Cm tidk&d Xw&zy® ^^^ Cloth ^^XL Post Bound Cj l£) Free Lm-m^—m—^\ Send your order EARLY to— /Z WL \\ Imperial New* Co. Ltd., 14, Breams Bldg*., London, E.C. 4. // g^B II Subscription Specialists. Any Publication Mailed to Any Address. 1 1