Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Pictures and PichureVuer 95 The Heart Buster (Fox; Dec. 8). Tom Mix in an amusing Western romance of a frustrated wedding. Esther Ralston oi>|x>site, also Cyril Chadwick, Prank Currier, Tom Wilson and " Tony." Live Sparks (Western Import; Dee. 1?). J. Warren Kerrigan, Fritzi Brunette, John Steppling and Joseph Cowling in an exciting story of oil, love ami tights, hair entertainment. Love's Influence {Unity; Pee 22). A simple little story of a village hoy and girl in London, played hy Flora Le Breton and G. K. Arthur amid some charming rural scenes. Fair entertainment. The Love Pirate (/('. & F.; Dec. 1). Carmel Myers, Clyde Fillmore, Kathryn McGuirc, Melbourne McDowell, Carol Holloway and Spotiswood Aitken in the story of a good-hearted vamp. Good entertainment. The Lumber King (Western Import; Dec. 8). Romance and intrigue in the big Maine woods, well played by Mitchell Lewis, Mignon Anderson, Melbourne McDowell, Arthur Millet, Joe Ray and Betty Wales. Good entertainment The Next Corner (Paramount; Dec. 29). Lon Chancy in a passionate and pennynovelettish problem drama. Supporting the star are Dorothy MacKaill, Conway Tearle, Dorothy Cumming, Ricardo Cortez, Louise Dresser and Mdme. Radzina. The Niebelungs (Graham Wilcox; Dec. 1). An unusual and beautiful picturisation of the Siegfried myth, with fine trick effects and the most realistic dragon we've ever seen. Played by Paul Richter, Hanna Ralph, Margarethe Schon, H. A. Schettoro. Don't miss this screen saga. The Night Hawk (F. B. 0.; Dec. 8). Harry Carey, Claire Adams, Joseph Gerard, Fred Malatesta, and Nick De Ruiz in a first class story of a Western crook. Not On; To Spare (F. B.O.; Dec. 29). Exceptionally good sentimental screen ver:ion of the well known poem played hy Willis Marks, Ethel Wales, David Torrence, Paul Weigal, Mary McKane, Billy Bondwin, Newton Hause, Miriam Ballah, Dick Winslow, Buck Black, and Thayer Strain. MIRANDAS DREAMS FREE GIFT BOOKS C VERY LITTLE LADY demands to know the meaning of her dreams. Miranda, Ltd., are publishing a large edition of a Beautiful Dreams Book which will interpret all your happiest dreams, tell you their significance, and just what your dreams mean in your life. This beautiful little Book is not for sale at any price, it can only be obtained by Lady Smokers of Mirandas. Dreams of Oriental phantasy and charm lie within the Am-bar perfume of every Miranda Dream Am-bar Cigarette — the Cigarette that has become the dernier cri for Ladies. Beautifully made, the welcome oval shape, they are tipped with gold, cork and silk of various colour? Send three empty Boxes of the 1 / sample size, which are now displayed on the counters of all the leading Tobacconists, along with the coupon below — COUPON FOR BEAUTIFUL Se n d 3^ LUCKY DREAMS for Postage BOO K FR E E ENCLOSED are three empty boxes from :/• sample size of Miranda's Dreams, and 3d. for postage. Please send me, as below, immediately on publication, your beautiful, fascinating Dreams Book — Free, as advertised. AME AND ADDRESS. Ruth Clifford, Pat Moore and John Gilbert in " Truxtonia." PLE15E WRITE DISTINCTLY Picturegoer — Det.\2\. To MIRANDA, LTD., 3-5 Devonshire St., LONDON, E.C.2