Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1924)

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DECEMBER 1924 Picture s and Picture poer <>7 LenaLastik Underwear (»IGO.) Miss says Alice Calhoun, the celebrated Vitagraph Star, " I find LenaLastik Underwear delightfully soft and comfy to the skin and most excellent in every way. I take great pleasure in recommending it most heartily. PRUDENCE COMFORT ECONOMY recommends LenaLastik. It is approved by Doctors as being specially protective. requires LenaLastik. It is very soft to sensitive skins and well-shaped. asks for LenaLastik . . . durable, unshrinkable, moderate in price. For Men, Women and Children. Ask at the Stores and all leading Drapers for the Hygienic Cotton or the Artificial Silk and Cotton number*. Look for this Tab on the garment. /S^. fecCS 33^ QNAJASTlh If any difficulty write for name of draper with stock. VASLEDGE WORKS. SOUTH WIGSTON. For Fish Dishes When frying fish use a little Bisto in place of bread' crumbs. It not only gives the fish a rich brown finish but improves its goodness and flavour. ^^ 3n The One Method Endorsed by the Press. "THE QUEEN" says: " ' Facktative ' certainly is admirable in its results. Its effects are permanent, it . is delightfully cUan and easy to use." — " There are other points which commend it, its admirable effects upon the general HEALTH AND CONDITION Or the hair, and so on ; but it is in its WONDERFUL POWERS OP RESTORING THE ACTUAL colour to the hair that its chief interest lies." Space forbids but a few brief extracts only, but accompanying the free Boudoir Book is sent full, independent, and spontaneous testimony which the sterling merits of "Facktative " have called forth from these and numerous other authorities frotn all parts. Readers should write to-day to the " FACKTATIVE " Co. (Suite 7), ,66, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.i, for a free treatise, which will be sent post free in a plain sealed envelope. Dyed hair is always conspicuous. It literally shouts the embarrassing information that its colour came out of a bottle. Furthermore, dye ruins the hair's structure and health, rots it and causes it to fall out. There is only one satisfactory method of curing grcyness. This is to recreate, naturally, your hair's real colour from within. How this can be done, easily, surely and quickly the "Facktative" booklet will tell you. A copy of this dainty little Boudoir Book will be sent you in plain wrapper free of cost or obligation if you apply for it to the address below. The price of " Facktative " is 10/6 per bottle, post free. Besides restoring grey and faded hair, it invigorates and vitalises it, promoting a strong, luxuriant growth. Only address: The Facktative Co. (Suite 7), 66, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. fc