Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1925)

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50 Pictures at\d P/chjre$ver APRIL 1925 "Picturegoer' Sepia Glossy Postcards. REAL PHOTOGRAPHS. EACH 2/6 doz. 3d. Thi: Pfafototdt&»<> I Art Acord I Ben Alexander I Gerald Ames I Agnes Ayres (2) . Betty Balfour I Nigel Barrie (2) ■ Wesley Barry | John Barrymore • Richard Barthelmess (2) I Warner Baxter I Hilda Bayley ■ Wallace Beery Madge Bellamy Edna Best Constance Binney ' Monte Blue I Betty Blythe [ Eleanor Boardman | John Bowers Flora Le Breton (2) I Betty Bronson ■ Clive Brook (2) | Mae Busch ■ Georges Carpentier I Lon Chancy ■ Ethel Clayton I Lew Cody I Jose Collins ' Ronald Colman | Betty Compson (3) Fay Compton | Jackie Coogan (2) . Gladys Cooper I Ricardo Cortez I Dorothy Dalton ' Viola Dana | Bebe Daniels (2) . Marion Davies I Mildred Davis . Marjoric Daw I Priscilla Dean I Reginald Denny 1 William Desmond I Richard Dix Ivy Duke (2) ' William Duncan | Josephine Earle i Douglas Fairbanks Douglas Fairbanks (Junr.) Dustin Farnum Elsie Ferguson Harrison Ford Pauline Frederick Hoot Gibson John Gilbert Dorothy Gish Lillian Gish Gaston Glass (2) Huntly Gordon Corinne Griffith (2) Mahlon Hamilton Elaine Hammerstein Hope Hampton Kenneth Harlan Wanda Hawley Jack Holt Violet Hopson Jack Hoxie Lloyd Hughes Marjorie Hume Charles Hutchison Rex Ingram Edith Johnson Julanne Johnston Justine Johnstone Buck Jones Leatrice Joy (2) Alice Joyce Buster Keaton J. Warren Kerrigan Norman Kerry James Kirkwood Theodore Kosloff Alice Lake Cullen Landis Watheson Lang (2) Lila Lee Elmo Lincoln Harold Lloyd Ben Lyon Louise Lovely Edmund Lowe Bert Lytell May McAvoy (2) Kathcrine MacDonald (2) To Purchasers of "Picturegoer! Sepia Glossy Postcards. ONLY 279 AVAILABLE EVERY reader sending an order for "Picturegoer" Sepia Glossy Postcards amounting to 3/ or more will receive FREE a Jazz Postcard Album as illustrated and usually sold at 2/-. Bound in a dazzling rich jazz cretonne of various designs, with pages of stout cardboard mounted on cloth hinges, this unique album will make a worthy receptacle for the choicest cards in your collection. Make sure of your Presentation Album by sending in your order and remittance at once. Choose your cards from the lists herewith. i * 1 .Malcolm McGregor I Dorothy MacKail I I Victor McLaglen Percy Marmont I Barbara La Marr (2)| ■ Mae Marsh Shirley Mason . Frank Mayo I Thomas Meighan . Adolphe Menjou Patsy Ruth Miller I Tom Mix | Colleen Moore Torn Moore 'Antonio Moreno I Marguerite De La Motte| Jack Mulhall Mae Murray Cannel Myers Conrad Nagel (2) iNita Naldi I Owen Nares 'Nazimova iPola Negri (2) | Guy Newall Anna 0 Nilsson Jane and Eva Novak | Ramon Novarro (4) Ivor Novello (4) I Eugene O'Brien I Mary Odette | Pat O'Malley ,Baby Peggy (2) Eileen Percy 1 House Peters (2) I Mary Philbin | Mary Pickford I Laura La Plante Eddie Polo I Marie Prevost I Edna Purviance IJobyna Ralston I Herbert Rawlinson I Irene Rich Theodore Roherts George Robey I Charles de Roche I Rod la Rocque .Ruth Roland Stewart Rome 'Alma Rubens [William Russell I Joseph Schildkraut .Gregory Scott Norma Shearer I Milton Sills I Anita Stewart Lewis Stone 'Eric Von Stroheim I John Stuart | Madge Stuart .Gloria Swanson Blanche Sweet Constance Talmadge I Norma Talmadge (4) ' Richard Talmadge | Conway Tearle I Lou Tellegrn (Alice Terry (4) | Phyllis Neilson Terry | iQueenie Thoims 'Ernest Torrence I Rudolph Valentino (7) I Henry Victor Picturegoer Salon/ 88, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. IMPORTANT. The coupon opposite must accompany every order. Add 3d. to your remittance to cover cost of postage and packing^ JAZZ ALBUM COUPON Attach this coupon, together with 3d. in stamps for packing and postage, to your order for "Picturegoer" Sepia Glossy Postcards to the value of 3/ or more and the Jazz Postcard Album — as sold at 2/— will be sent to. vou FREE. .. P. April