Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1925)

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JUNE 1925 Pictures and Pichureouer 59 CINEMA CELEBRITIES, STAGE & SOCIETY BEAUTIES ALL OWE HAIR CHARM TO this vastly improved DOUBLE WA VED COMB I WANDA HAWLEY writes: — "Almost as if I had an expert Hairdresser in my b««." CHRISSIE WHITE says : — " Compels waves to appear — a sheer necessity to all." GLADYS WALTON writes : — " Use it like an ordinary comb, and the waves appear as if by magic." MARGARET DE L. MOTTE says : — " Indispensable to me as my toothbrush." MAI BACON says : — " Creates a series of lovely waves." Do you wish for beautiful wavy hair, however straight and lank yours may be now? Would you not rather possess a lovely head of hair, waved as perfectly as could be done by an expensive Hairdresser? If so, send to-day for the ALL-BRITISH DOUBLE WAVE PERMWAVE COMB, and if you will just use it in place of the ordinary Comb your hair will become permanently wavy all over. CURLS AND WAVES STRAIGHTEST HAIR If you already possess natural or artificially waved hair, and do not want the trouble and expense of continuous visits to the Hairdresser, use the DOUBLE WAVE PERM-WAVE COMB, which strongly emphasises the natural or artificial waves and gives that charming appearance so sought after by most ladies. Note the illustrations — see how the waves are so simply and easily compelled to appear. THE DOUBLE WAVE PERM-WAVE COMB waves and curls as it combs, the wonderful double kink first forming them and subsequently permanently retaining the lovely waves and beautifying the whole hair. Why continue wearing long, lank unlovely hair? The present fashion demands a series of rippling waves over the entire head, and this the PERM-WAVE DOUBLE WAVE COMB does for you simply and easily. No heat, curlers, elastic, wires, or electricity are required. You simply comb the hair and the waves appear, and daily use keeps them in exquisite form and beauty. Why not be admired by your friends and be proud of your head of hair? Long lank hair has no charm and is old-fashioned. Get out of the rut to-day by sending a P.O. to the address below for the Vastly Improved DOUBLE WAVE PERMWAVE COMB. PBRM^VAYi REFUSE WORTHLESS SUBSTITUTES You can only secure your wonderful PERM-WAVE DOUBLE WAVE COMB by writing to the address below, as it cannot be obtained in Shop* or Store*. Note the Free Offer POCKET SIZE 1/6 f~l ffc pp A Lawrence Sham : LARGE SIZE li ft §€ r* r* ?ff_wiH.-b*L-,*f \1 I post free in plain sealed en\ A Lawrence Shampoo will be tent to every purchaser of A PERM WAVE COMB! BOTH 3/ D. D. LAWRENCE kSSStet PEGGY BAYFIELD 2nd prize winner in the Weekly Dispatch Hair Charm Contest, says : — " I attribute my success to the regular use of your famous little invention." MARY DE BRUNNER The well-known London fashion artist writes : — " Transformed my hair into lovely waves." MARIE PREVOST writes : — " I would not be without my PERM-WAVE COMB for worlds." PRISCILLA DEAN says: — " Very pleased at the marvellous results I have obtained." ALICE CALHOUN writes : " Impossible to speak too highly of the extraordinary results obtained." CECILIA GOLD writes : — "I have used your PERMWAVE COMB with remarkable results. Its name is perfectly justified." EVELYN LAYE says : — " Persuades the hair to wave."