Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1925)

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OCTOBER 1925 P/c/-wreCuer and The Thea^p Indigestion and the remedy If it's only indigestion tint's troubling you, then your troubles can soon be ended, tor, no matter how chronic your indigestion may be, ' Bisurated ' Magnesia will stop it instantly. This world-famed remedy for disturbed stomach conditions never fails to give relief in all cases ; in fact, it's difficult to see how it can fail, when you come to consider that 'Bisurated' Magnesia neutralises the harmful acids and prevents fermentation the moment it enters the stomach. Any doctor will tell you that there is no better remedy known for indigestion or similar stomach ills than ' Bisurated ' Magnesia, and for this reason many of the biggest hospitals use it. Every chemist sells • Bisurated ' Magnesia in both powder and tablet form at is. 3d., and you can be assured that in the contents of the well-known blue package you have got the one real aid to a good digestion. Hours and hours of enjoyment Packet of fackinlosl CHOCOLATE Toffee de Luxe which is, by common consent, the very finest " hard centre " Chocolate on the market. Moreover, it is the most economical Chocolate you can buy. It is a superb sweetmeat of lasting goodness. 10D per l/4Z£. ot in (full weight) li= packets of all Confectioners. JOHN MACKINTOSH & SONS LTD., TOFFEE TOWN — HALIFAX. <P105 Where do YOU Want to Reduce? Amazing new discovery takes off fleth juit where you want to lost it. No dieting no pills no discomforts. Requires only a few minutes a day. Five days' Trial. Results guaranteed. New easy way to quickly reduce any fleshy part and have a youthfully slender figure. \ T last a l'» al treatment **■ to take ofl superfluous flesh just where you want to lose it. At last science comes forward with a simple, harmless appliance, that by removing the cause nk quickly and easily removes SM0 the effect— the fat— at the spot, and there only. bus Thousands of women are stout only in certain parti, hut norms] in other parts. Thousands are too heavy about the waist, but perfectly well-formed — even slender — from the hips down. Others I law lllpj and lower limbs, while comparatively thin in the upper body. With the Vaco Reducing Cup, excess Head Is treated directly, and by this new, wonderful no-thud it is quickly brought down to normal. HOW EASY IT IS ! Vaco Reducing Cup, through a gentle suction, creates renewed natural circulation in the fatty part. Congestion is loosened and fat vanishes like magic. The Cup is based on the scientific principle of suction-massage. It goes directly to the pan affected — removes only the fat you want to lose. The suction of the ('up holds the flesh In a firm grasp and the vacuum created circulates a Ron of fresh, active blood to t tie fatty spot, Then, with ■ gentle rotating motion, the spot is massaged for only three minutes anil the blood is urged through the congested fat, which is thus quickly dissolved and naturally and harmlessly carried away. CALVES 7 ► J>k> ' FIVE DAY MONEY-BACK TRIAL Thousands of Vaco Reducing Cups have been sold at '.'0 shillings and upwards, hut a special introductory offer brings you for five days' trial the entire treatment for £1. Just follow directions, anil you can't help becoming slender and graceful again. You take no risk. This is our FREE PROOF OFFER' Just post the coupon and postal order for 20 shillings and if the Vaco Cup fails to do as we say it will, return It within Ave days ami we will gladly refund every penny you paid. Hut post the Special Coupon now before this offer is withdrawn. Modern Research Society, Ltd., Dept. 957, 14, Regent Street. London, S.W.I. Special Coupon-worth MODERN RESEARCH SOCIETY, LTD. (Dept. 957), 14, Resent Street, London, S.W.I. Send me the Vaco Reducing Cup, postage prepaid, in a plain container, on this Free Proof Offer. I am enclosing 20 shillings with this coupon with the understanding that I have the guaranteed privilege of returning the Cup within five days, and having my money Instantly refunded if I am not fully delighted with the results. I NAME .. ADDRESS TOWN ..,