Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1925)

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NOVEMBER 1925 STARS AND THEIR DRESSING ROOMS. (Continued from fo§{ 15). Framed between the ptgan scarlet blossoms of two poinsettia trees, he contemplates the trim little garden that surrounds his laboratory of dreams. The dazzling white of the cement walks, smooth as ice between the cool green jade of the lawns . . . the sprouting shrubs beneath the blue arch of the California sky . . . the slender suspense of the cypresses silhouetted against lilactint cd walls . . . the whnle scene as clean, fresh and well-groomed as " The Sheik " himself, clad in his royal blue woollen tuxedo lounge coat, white flannels, striped tie, a pink carnation in his button-hole. Even in her dressing-room, Pola Negri loses none of her exotic charm. Her lightest gesture holds in it something of drama, if not of tragedy, mysterious, impending, sad ! Off the " set," as well as on it . . . in the humdrum routine of studio life, in the long waits, the pauses for meals . . . the passionate Pola appears to be playing a part. Almost Oriental in its unique atmosphere, this star's dressing-room forms a curiously appropriate background for her colourful personality. A Chinese screen, its cloth of gold embroidered in relief with fascinating little figures in gay festival attire serves as a foil to the black hair and creamy skin of the Polish star, clad in a gorgeously flamboyant Mandarin coat. The windows of her boudoir command a view of " Peacock Alley," the broad promenade down which every famous star on the Lasky " lot " has strolled at one time or another. Here she frequently writes her letters, and watches her fellow-players come and go. Stripped of its scintillating motley, her shadowy, serious self peeps out from behind the scenes, from behind the flirting mask of the vampire of the screen. Does she whisper with the luckless Grimaldi, " Ah ! dans mon coeur. alors, la solitude est grande!" A turbulent Queen of Melodrama, this Pola, but a very woman, too ! The P/cf~\jre$ver 55 ALWAYS WELCOME. In November, the spectre of Christmas presents looms large on the horizon ! True, 'tis far more blessed to give than to receive, but the hours of anxious thought spent in wondering just what to give hardly seems to compensate. But there is one present which can always be relied upon to give infinite pleasure and that is a year's subscription to THE PICTUREGOER. The rates are post free all oyer the world (except Canada), 14/-, an.3" post free to Canada, 13/6 per annum. Send your order to our Publishing Department now. ANNA Q. NILSSON Anna Q. Nilsson tells us that the daily use of Pepsodent is an essential part of her make-up. " I learned long ago," she says, " that ordinary cleansing methods won't keep teeth clear — that is, so as to photograph white and gleaming." Here is the way to glistening teeth that dentists now advise It removes that dingy film from your teeth. It clears cloudy teeth. Start beautifying your teeth today — why wait? li/fODERN science now tells us * * how to clean and brighten dingy teeth. A new way widely urged by leading dentists of the world. Different in formula, action and effect, it does what no other method has yet attained — removes and combats, without harsh grit, the dangerous film that covers teeth and which old type dentifrices do not fight successfully. Run your tongue across your teeth. You will feel that film. Under it are the prettier, whiter teeth you envy in others. If you combat that film, your teeth will quickly glisten in a way that will delight you. Ask your chemist for a tube of Pepsodent. Results will amaze you. lofte great enemy of teetfi. Film is the great enemy of tooth beauty. And, according to world's dental authorities, is regTled as the potential source of most tooth troubles. It clings to teeth, gets into crevices, and stays. It holds food in contact with teeth, inviting the acid that may cause decay. You can't have prettier, whiter teeth ; you can't have healthier teeth unless vou combat that film. Mail the coupon now. Don't expect the same results from old type dentifrices. Begin beautifying your teeth to-day. iFREE Papsafltmi Mail this for ioDay Tube The New-Day Quality Dentifrice THE PEPSODENT COMPANY, (Dept. 256), 42, Southwark Bridge Road, LONDON, S.E, 1, Send to Name . A ddress . Give full address. Write pisinly. Only one tube to a family. Picturcgoer, Nov. 1923. *— ~ BM Bl — Ml — — — — — — M. MB — — — — — — — . « — — BBB BBB — — MB MB • MB M> M. M. — *