Pictures and the Picturegoer (Jan-Dec 1925)

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DECEMBER 1925 The PichireQver A 7 C%e Quoen oy WATCH BRACELETS jKiss I^/sci/Id Dean the dainty and charming Screen Star says : — " / have learnt from experience the value of the Britannic Watch Bracelet. Until I i'sed one, my wrist watch was always causing trouble, but with the Britannic all that is change^,. "It holds with just the right pressure and never needs attention." IN outward appearance one Watch Bracelet is very like another. It is only when you come to wear them day by day that the difference is seen. How then can you be sure that the Bracelet you buy will give good service, that its tiny springs will not weaken ; that it will not ultimately be the cause of your losing your watch ? There is only one way. Buy " BRITANNIC " Expanding Bracelet — known throughout the world to be the world's best bracelet. The finest materials and workmanship go to its making. The springs used have been thoroughly tested by opening and closing bracelets mechanically over 100,000 times, and they have stood this test perfectly. Every bracelet is guaranteed for five years. The "BRITANNIC" may be seen at all goodclass jewellers complete with watches in various styles from 4 guineas. Also " BRITANNIC " Expanding Bands alone with hooks to replace. Britannic ™<*Best See the name " BRITANNIC " is engraved inside the band, because very inferior imitations are offered as " Britannic " Bracelets.