Pictures and the Picturegoer (April - September 1915)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER 464 Week Esronro ii, 1915 Pin 11:1: it.SI, eVj Oft).— "Tj 1 "Nell," K 1 1 hly n Williams; " Arl Wlieeler Oakman ; "Jacob Golden," Fruulc el..-!. "Esther Gordon," Engene Ie Hunt," Gerl rude ' ( leurge Gil Clary, No 1 rouble, P, L., but ■.<■ pleasure to help an old reader. Edoau 'Liverpool). Addressesare:— Clias. Chaplin, c.o, Essanaj Film Co., 1,388, Arfiyle Street, Chicago, L'.S.A. j Mary Pickford, c.o. Famous rs Co., !!18, West 26th St., New Sort City, U.S.A. ; Henry Aiuley, c.o. London Film Co., St. Margaret g, Twiakenhafa ; Jane G.iil, c.o. Universal Film Co., 1,600, Broadway, New York, CS.A. Our publishers would no doubt be able to supply you with ■. ny back numbers, you want, price 2d. each. Beau reply to " A. B. (Bristol). " So your .Scots Guards brothir enjoys P. and P. ? We have an army of friends in the Army. Jean (Edinburgh).— Tour drawing of Charlie Chii) lin " in a serious mood " is excellent, Jean — and you only eleven years old ! Our best love to you, little one. JUaiiel (Clapham).— Glad yon are voting, and hope you voted often for the same player. F. S. H. (Hitclin\— We have contradicted times without number the s;lly rum urs about Charlie Chaplin. From Hitchin t> London and back every day is a bit of a journey for you, dear boy. .Still, P, and P. no doubt helps to pass away the time. You ai e quite one of our oldest readers. Jay-Bird (Winchester).— The Film Life of Mary Pickford, price 2!,rl. post-free from t is office (18, Adam Street, Strand, London), will answer all your questions about " our Mary." Worbies (Highbury).— Write to the Secretary, Turner Films, Ltd., Walton-on-Thames, about the book you mention. There is only one paper published in this country dealing with tilins from the picturegoer's point of view, and that is your bumble servant P. and P. If we are able to obtain any picture postcards of Jane Gail we will let you know through this column. Master Key rStockport).— If you write to Ella Hall in as charming a way as you do to us we feel sure she would reply. Address her c.o. Universal Film Co., 1,61*0, Broadway, New York, U.S.A., ;iml Marguerite Clayton, c.o. Essanay Film Co., 1,338, Argyle St., Chicago, U.S.A. Thanks for getting us new readers. Your hope to be a regulu r reader of P. and P. "till one of us dies" is very nicely put. May we both live for ever. "VVilkie (Walham Green).— Address the Edison Coy., Decatur and Oliver Streets, Bronx, New York, U.S.A. Xilian (Westboui'iie Park).— Anita Stewarf-s address is c.o. Vitagraph Co., Ltd., East 15th St. and Locust Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.. Why should she "think it an insult" if you wrote to her nicely, Lilian ? Sidney (Birmingham), — See reply to "Gladys (Hanc'sworth)." Dorothy (Wandsworth).— Address your letters to the players themselves, c.o. Vitamaph Co., Ltd., East lotn St. and Locust Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. — not to U9, Dolly, dear. B. B. (Newport). — Hepworth Co., Waltoii-onTliames ; London Film Co., St. Margarets, Twickenham ; Samnelson Film Co., Worton Hall, Isleworth, Mddx. ; and Turner Film Co., Waltonon-Thames, are a few good English companies to send your plots to. If your plays contain parts particularly suited to well-known players, you would, of course, send them to the for which those artistes play. Hazel (Manchester*. — "Dear Mr. Answers Man-' is quite a nice way to begin, and after all the nice, wheedling things you say about him he can not ever " break your heart." You want to know how the Koply Page is written? Well, one .lay. Hazel, dear, wo are going to get our artist to sketch us all at our work, and then you will know all about it. There is only one " Answers Man," and he must therefore be the one with 1 lie " loving ami kind diS] ositiou " ,\ OH s|,e:ik of. Mary Pickford has not been married long ; she is .still quite young. Chrissie White was married we think about eighteen months ago. The low we despatch for readers to individual pfayers .oft as recoived. No room for storage at Ad 'I" V i,. 'A. ( ,'biswioki says thai "it is rumoured in Chiswick that tin' uoted picture comedian Charles Chaplin i< deaf and ihnnli anil has recently gone mad." Well, well, well ! where's that gun? Read our Kephj PogelnSept. Mesne. « 1 '■ * 1* 11 (Leeds) We have si\ diflerenl post , cordsofChos. Chaplin, Breof G. M. Anderson, two each of Eddie Lyons, Victoria r'orde, a .1 on Bobo) t Leonard, Id. eaoH, postage extra, There Is, perhaps, a tendenoj to overdo serials, ami so inauepicturegoiag wearisome, but it will Bud its level. Cinema proprietors st inly their patrons, turd iu so doing make profits for themselves. A. v. ,mrm JuncWon).— The little love enaetl d for the cinema at that charming old-world spot the Temple Fountain mut 11 delightful. Dp to the present we have not yet be. 11 able to rind out who were the pi i\ ers. See reply to " A. B. ( ristoli." I.Mr (Swansea).—" Dear Unknown Quantity " is the quaintest address we have yet received, and the opening lines of your letter are just as original. You have plenty of time yet for cinema acting. Finish your schooling tirst.and see that you come out first in everything this comiusr term, it will all help you i.. your future work, whatever it i-. Sorry, pet ie, it is against our rules to introduce our readers to each other. Thanks for photo, which we like very much. I Colleen Pat (Bathi.-" The Link that Binds" (Rex* :— " Fergus McClain," Wm. Worthingtou : " Donald McCluiu," Herbert Rawlinson ; " Anuus Guthiie," Frank Lloyd: "Jessie Guthrie." Helen Leslie. " The Black Pearl " (Imp) ; — " Col. Mars. ten," Cluis. Burbridge; "Jack North," Hobart Henley ; "Phil Mar-den," Albin Hohnbar; "Margaret," Frances Nelson. Your books of cads and cuttings about players must be very interesting. We should like to see the letters of appreciation' of P. axd P. from your friends oversea, and will return them to you witho it fail. We have postcards of Olaf Fonss, but not of the others. Thanks for getting us seven readers. C'est mhgnifique. When iu town call in. L. Y. (Huddersfield). — Sorry you have had no reply from Chailes Chaplin — but you may hear yet. Every year the standard of film plots gets higher, and consequently success in getting one nccep eel is more difficult to attain. Thank you for offer to send us synopses of yours — but P. and P. takes all our time, both waking and sleeping ; hi fact when we die the Reply Page will be found printed on our heart, like Calais was on Queen Elizabeth's. Next please. C. E. D. (Liverpool). — Probably the scene iu which a player lost her life was replayed. Pleased to welcome a new reader. *g* Many replies are unavoidably held over. EDITORIAL MATTERS Address: The Editor, "Pictures and The Picturegoer," 18, Adam Street, tranrt, London, W. C. Telephone— Regent 4316. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. United Kiiif/dom and Abroad:— s. tl. One Year (post-free) 6 6 Six Months 3 3 • Three Months ... 18 Advertising and Publishing Offices': 93 and 94, Long Acre, W.C. Telephone — Gerrard 251)5. THE GLaD ANKLE. iJack Conucft, THE man who knows and know knows is a wise man. But the man who knows not and knows he knows not is a fool. They're All Alike. She : " Why do Boldiera like talkative women better than others ? He : " What others p " A "Fare" Reply. She (coyly): "How did you come to propose to me P " He: " By This, darling." A "Hands "ome Compliment. Author : " I beg to submit " Editor : "Oh. go away: I've too much on my hands at present." AiTHor: : "' My dear sir. I don't mind waiting while you wash them.' Position is Not Everything. " Where were you born, sonny ? " " In London. ?ir." "What part ?" " All of me. sir. 'cept my 'air and teeth. They were born in Bristol." Disappointing. The Girl? "Isn't it strange that the length of a man's arm is equal to the circumference of a girl's waist ? " The Loct : '.' Let's get a string and see if you're right. Miss Alice." A Recipe. Mrs. XnvED (to dear frieud) : "What's the secret of getting yotur hubby to take you to the picturetheatre after he refus. Mrs. Wiley : "If at first you don't succeedrcry. cry. cry again."' Hatching— Not Catching. The schoolgirl had been absent the previous afternoon, and the excuse was that her mother was ill in bed. The mistress packed the girl off home again to find out what the illness was, as it might be infectious. . The oirl soon came back with the reply. "Mother's quite oroas, and says that you needn't be afraid of catching it— it's twins'. " Off the Map. "Friends." shouted the stop-the-war orator to the small street-corner gathering ; "in the sacred cause ox peace I know no empire, no kingdom, no commonwealth, no nation. DO country ! " "Then it's time you went to the pictures and learnt a bit o' 'jography '. " jerked in a grubby individual. And the orator, descending to persi nalities. consigned him to somewhere a long way off the map. "Stopping" at Nothing. \ Canadian invalided to London from the Frontxras relating hi experiences of Nemo Chapelle. The sympathising listener remarked: " Those shells must ha\ e been terrible." •' It wasn't the shells themseb minded." said the soldier, "but t he darned (things -hook all the gold stop* pings OUt 01 my teeth, ye -brand new gold stoppings, thai I had paid forty dollars for just before I left Montreal.''