Pictures and the Picturegoer (April - September 1915)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER 48* \Yi;i ; 1915 AiiEKi.LEK (Thornton Heith) has hi ircl-ii rninodr 1 Iml \i uurlce Costello Is 10 ] rison. nil the absurd rumour., about Charles Chaplin Inn ! I OOr M.iurii liave them instead. His "hard labour" ha D playing in ■will on. Billie Ritchie i» no *rlation to Syil Chaplin ; so you have wou your lit. CiiAia.i.s (Walworth), and man; others.'-^'W'e hare no postcards Of Jack Webster. Will Charles explain why he dike all the other applicants) expects free photographs of Mr. Webster? JVe hare m ;idvei tised audi photographs, nor do v.e ever 1 lish free postcards of any artiste. Header as Ever (Barnes).— So glad yon like our '• New Portrait Gallery of Screen Stare." EsTBEB (Edinburgh). — We have . postcards of Herberl Bawlinson, also of James Cruze, it of A. W. Lowery. Vennfriend who is brotherin-law to Syd. Chaplin must be real proud. Why should we not believe you? Cu hilts (South Ealing).— AVe have six different postcards of elms. Chaplin, price 7d. post-free ; all .'ire in make-up. 1'ord Sterling is. now playing for Keystone again. Alice and Emily (Ijiverpooli.— I-'lorencf Ln Badic and James Cruze are Americans and play for Thnnhouser. Mary Pickford might reply' to 0 letter. Try her, dear girls. C. C. (Nottingham).— We can supply you i\itl postcards you require, penny each; postage extra. Address your order to Tin: "Picxikes Office, Is,. Adam-street, Strand, London. Demi Old Freddie (lSumliam).— Syd Chaplin is still with Keystone, and Ormi Hawlgy with Ijubin, " Blue Pete's Escape." (Jteliance): — "Burton," Sam de Grasse; ''Chicago Red," Walter long: "Slim," Frank Bjeimet ; "The 1 Sir)," Billie West. Yours sincerely, the Answers Man. A Keoolae Reader (Bridlington).— Thanks for newspaper cutting. At present tliere aie not enough English tilnis, but the first-dugs Bri firms are rapidly reducing the shortage, W.F. R.S. 1 London, S.W.t.— The Answers Man's little guessing competition -as to the cause of the most extraordinary sounds you heard when passing a picture theatre brought hundreds oi answers (a CbnpHu comedy), and all O.K. The first opened was from Master W. Wiokes, 7s. \ Cstry-road, Camberwell, to whom a Souvenir War Album has been sent. •I'i'"i aistone). — Ear'e Williams and Anita Stewart are not married, and so far as we know not engaged. Edith Storey still plays Vitagraph. Hope jour soldier hubby will return to yoii safe and sound with all the honours In desires. Next time please comply with rule ami send name and a Idress. • Miss B, S. (Forest Gate).— Next time you fall CUV junior has instructions to bo rarl live to you. You say any reader may see vour line collection of 312 picture postcards' of'lilm favourites if they eare to call, but in forbid us to publish your addreSSj so v, 1 1 no " forrarder," do we, Bee Ess r I'raxk (South Chingfovd). — We cannot say iher you "could oh lain a situation at tho 1 •-" Why not eall tin l. i Coiutland Van Dusen is, we believe, an American. and probably of Dutch extraction (judging from ilie name). Eddie Lyons and \ ide are not married to each other. So cheer ttpi Frank! Hulifax>.~ Yon seem (oho getting nil ibe "plums" at your cinenii, Alt'. The list of films yon send is quite top-hole. OiEit.vioi; (Bexhillh— Keystone do not pirbliah their cast ~. but Mabel Koilunml played the pari of tin Young Lady in " I Glad you have given n standing order 1\ r 1'. P. It's the safest way. Hnve'Seut yoSi n Edinburgh).— We have now fire different postcards of Berberl Bawutisoa, and the latest additions to our li.-t are: Jan) Gail, Sydney Ayres, Lois Weber. \\ Willi-ini Wortbington aud Philip Smalley . id. eai i extra, ClaMce (Nottingham). H ,1 supply yoii with ivds of film favourites, ami hnfi our latest lists. E. O. L. (Manchester), Chai les Chaplin's addi 0. Essnnay 1'ilm Mfg. Co., 1. S.A. Mat Queen (Old Basford). -T01 ;-ai quite n nil i time in W 1I1 pulling your leg about the " : muds worth of chinn at Penrhyn Castle," (hough" Address Warren Kerrigan, e.o. ( nivcrsal I Stud . reel and lltli A'em 0, New S City, U.S. A. He's not married, so go in aud youis-ir. May, Don't for* the onto, (hat's all I .—Hundreds of our rea tters from their favour lliey OU if you writ..-, Eleanor. A Ketsixwe I.ovj.i: (Enfield Wash). — ChnrleB CLapliu and Billie Bite hie are dilTereut people. Wimm ' :■ (Willesdeni. — Address your letter U Jaue Gail, c7o. I nivera .1 Film Co., 1,60k), Broadway, New York City, U.S.A, Beb3 (Lo 'ghton).— The chances of su-ce?snsa lilin actor are, like most good things, dependent upon talent, ability, aud, to a great extent, influence in getting a start. To avoid wasting money in taking lessons, yon must be quite certain you have talent, for without that you have no chance whatever. M. W. (Birmingham). — Yes, we are fond of walking, Mary— but not alone, dear girl. Thanks for invitation to call and see you when we are next in your village. Have sent your love to Mary Pickford, Florence La Badie, Bobby Connelly, and Helen Badgley. Glad they're not "ycung fellow my lids" or we shouli have been jealous. Raiph (Bedford). — If you think your film plct~ are good enough, send them to the companies you mention. Of course we would like roue photo] Ralph. JANE GAIL, of the rrans-Atlajitic, Company . .\lni\o i our new portrait postcard of this popular player. S. P. (Southampton'!.— Glad vou have read the prize you won in a PlCJUBBS Competition and found-it Al -that's why we sent it you. Thanks for kind wishes. W, R. A. (London I". '. — u. M. Anderson is an American. M. if. C. 1'. (barking Mary) -1 Sounds like r. dog.l :r in tin r like Kid and Kidl.-i signify that they. are 6n . card. Write Charles Chaplin ; he may reply . . I ah Boird would, we think. be pleased bo hai • a photo of such a staunch admirer as yourself, Percy. << ivoxduhly held over, EDITORIAL MATTERS Address: Tho Editor, "Pictures and The Picturegoor," 18, Adam Street. Strand, London, W.C. Telephouo— lie SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I I S. il. One Year (post-free) 6 6 Six Months 3 3 Three Months I 8 Advertising and Publishing Offices: S3 and 94. long Aero. W.C. TelepUoue -Geir.ud -. , THE stuff that "Dreams" are jb.ade of : -Powder, paint, ronge, and false hair. Said the Wounded Warrior "Well. Nurse, one says one thi: _ one Bays another. But the little 1 1 that picked me up was near the mark when he diagnosed a bullet in my abominable regions." Undisturbed, Mistress-: "How is it I find you reading whenever I come in the kitchen, Mary? " MakY: P'raps it's all through them soft slippers of yours, mum." " Fight for a Face." Jacobs: "I'll fight the fellow who sajis I'm not like Main i weighs a toii." DOBBS: '"Well, I'm the chap; why don't you begin-? " Jacobs: "You don't weigh a ton '." When the Crust Comes. Hvi:n-i'P ACTOB (to Star): "F time's sake, givg me a helping hand. Tom. Don't you remember once ing you'd share your last crust with me r " " 1 certainly did: and I will when I get to. it. I'm a man of my word." Fun at the Pay-box. " How much vill it cost for mine leetle Joseph to see the picture- He is only one year old." " Oh ! he will go in fOr nothing." " Ajid Rebecca? She is two and a half." " She will go in free, too! " " Right. ^'i^ you oblig putting them into seats? 1 nil co back when the shov Fellows and Flowers. ''I thank you for the flowers you sent," she said : And she smiled and blushed and drooped her head. '"I'm sorry for the words 1 spi ke last nio'ht : Your sending th were right Forgiye me." HE FORGAVE HER. And as they walked aud talked beneath the bowel 6, lb' wondered who the blazes sent her flowers. That Night 'One night." related the wounded soldier, "we positively could not hear ourselves speak.' " For the noise of the jrpj ';><o: Nol a '_'iin was fired." The howling of the wind, then? " N '. There wasn't much wind." \ torrential dbwnpour of rain : " \ • ! It was a fine night." 'Then why on earth couldn't yon hear yourselves speak?" asked the inquisitive one. a trifle nettled. "Because we had been ordered to preserve silence." was the terse reply.