Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER t>4 Oct. l6, 1915 :■ 7 ■'■ill ■ lie information you near Bottai j . . 1 1 ■ 1 1 ' 1 X on 1 il 110 Producing Com ... aenr Sheffield, i tl •■' London ■ ■ j .hi . e your uunl tiou ! be 1.. ..11 C. < >., WnlthimiBtow, HepWall .ii 1 i'ilin (>., St. Wiir^nret'eon-TlianieB are tl pood one . Be -' wishes, 1 Bbetha (Holloway).— Sorry, the ci b for was not published. 111 i\\ .1 -all 1. Chnrle played in etch " The Mumming ( before he tool up film work; but whether the 1.., 1 :, r ,1 ;.iny in which he played visited 1 town or il'i we ennnot say. Costello been plnj int? rccentlj Ims, and Mm should see biin soon again on 111 1 sc lli.Miv (Hull).— We do not advise our leaders to j.av bard cash for tl"' correcting, typing, or thi ir tilni plots. Send tbem youi • Film Gob ponies ; yon stand ns n 11 1I1 r.l 1 ni ty, and il costs you not bul |io ...... Pimple bas joined the Army. Thin Beta (Lini olnsl ire). Sorry to h mr ro'.i 1 with bard cash. See reply to"Jd 111 E Li I ■■:■ :. 1 ■ \ Idi ...... 1 11 • ... . 1 ..., !,6 0, Bro idwtiy, New tork City, U.S.A. As yon are writing, you 1 m . , . ut it to Jf:il blyn Williams, Man Puller, Charles Chaplin, and Mami ;i Co Doll 1 Bright o 1. We have postcard Charles iplin, is different, price sevenpence, post-free, and VI ■ l'i in Li/i 1 Ua ij Pn kjvrtl • -'•!. Amateur (Liverpool).— You will gel ph nty o ful wrinkles from De ch's Pl-n t the CtTiomo, price Is. 2d. from thi ■ 1 -free. Jackie (Savoy).— Tour typewritten letter is Al — it s vis our time and yours. Drop 11 line to tile Players Co., IC«-1 6, Wardour St., W., and ask them where " JAinCnoii Lhe Cricket" is heing sliown in town. S nee yon wrote. Jackie, u will have s -en Unit a large number of I have been captured on the West. E. M. P. 0. Yon might m-t.' to thi company producing the film foi the poem. Sour concerts to the lads in khaki would, we arc mri , be much appreciated. Sour kind beftit is " more than coion -t, ' as the poet hath it. Thanks for new readers. May your shadow nevergrdn less, Dokothy (St. John's Wood).— Tes, Mary Pickford. as you say, " ripping." Weexcuse J-onri ...11 were in " a I riffle lini ry. " J. P. (North Kensington).— Before autoginph-album to the ! ould. id ask il he would sigu it for yon. 'I. s. 1 Walt bam Abbey).— We do net ad.ise yon ,. , 1 forttiitlou to the firm you mention. r Swaps a k— II is much to fce a athlete, but talent, is nocessarj also, John, to enable yon lo become a cinema player. Thanks for subscript ion, Pjied (Manchester).— No postcards of D us tin Formnn, ai.d cast you waul is aol puhli lied, Miss B. iSalford), 4.<ldre Com Powers, 850, West 55tb Street, New York City, C.S. \. Josephine (Wallasey).— The known playei tho sands ni' letters from then all ni ol the« oild, 0 d wi it thai Ihey arc intoresl id in read Glad yovi our Gallery. Hundred havi d lil I'u .11 1 (Chiswick). We are constj itly giving the namesol ■ ■ , Any bookstall clerk w ill give v i'u tl) Ciuie 1 Thn ihons r : .,11 u ■' .... n ad ■ nited 111 every otbei nat ion j ou mm tc .il.. in git inghim another country. We note with pride : 11 blown sky-high by 0 Zeppelin bomb you « ill he found on 11 clond readiug Picti res. Molly", Dollt, Ann Nelly (Sunderland).— The 1 . 1 . ■ . . 1 ! . k to to . son >■ 1 it om an wcring, de ir g-ii-1 -. We are a Kind off< r of a 1 Mutv W. 1 Binning liain] iddi v u 1. Vitagrajib Kilui Co., ] 1 ..." 1 Avenue. New ^ ork Citj .U.S.A. Loo'uvo 1 and £0 rle William doubt like I., hen from you. Have divided np your love 0 ci ted, M rv. Oonstanci 1 1:1.1. 1. 1. in 11 .. Henry ftiuley is pin; in " Quinncys," II. A. Vnoboll's play at the liny market Theatre, in London, and does not pluj for the pictures only, [f we got any postcards if him we will lei yon know. There can be no harm iu writing for his autograph. MOIL But.wt Washbukk. the Essanay player. This is one of our postcards o£ bun. s. .. i.i c 1 a . We syn 1 you iu the loss of your soldier hoy. " He died ing for a gnod cause," as you say. We me sure Edith St irey would like to heat of 1 isadmiration tor her. Address as follows : CO. Vitagrnph Film Co., East 15th St. and I.OCltst Avenue, New York. Joyce (Gloucester).— Tom Powers is n >w at home in Ne« York, and not at present playiug in . We have postcards ol him, also of Warren Kerrigan. Poth are unmarried. Mr. Kerrigan f lives happily with Ids mot her. sister, and brother. WuTiai (Manchester). — Addres erite . 11 ii ... .. 1 mous Players Film Co., 213, *est 26th Street, Now York City . U.S.A. As yon are writing, y 11 can ask her all you want U> know, can't you, Walter ? Pablo (Leeds). We cannol Und the marriage e rtificatcs of H"1 playeis you mention, so elude they are still -'fancy i JjsttBt (Willesdai). -The Lmdon Film Co.'s Studio is at St. Margaret's, Twickenham, and He worth's is at Babs (Brighten .— Younow forgive u> for taking er The Piutdbes and amalganialiui it with The Pictobego ief much thanks. Addres i i. X. Bushman, o.o.^ffietro Picture L'| tion, 1,465, Brondw.iy, New York City. 1 .s.A. You heard inat Mat llo was killed i.i the ir nches and tried to mo eli the rumour. Quite right, Babs. .1. C is hard al work in the Vitngraph Studies. Wi. !i. 3 ou o 1 ostcard B.S rl Keei. r, 1 l, 1S n Col ■-t.'-irdsiinl will be pleased to show them to aivj n Man '. OUR NEW ADDRESS Editorial matters should In . THE EDITOR, "Pictures an J The P.clnregon'." 85, )0N. ACRE, LONDDv, WC. Telephone -Gerrard 2595. SUBSCRIPT! DIM RATES. i S. ll. One Year [p «l treo) 6 6 Six Months 3 3 Three Months I 8 Publishing Offices : 93 and 94, Long Acre, WC. When Rolling Billows Roll. It a man bas anything in him. travefl will bring it out." ^aid the explorer. •• 1 know that." -ait.1 fcie friend; cially ocean travel. ' Some Nose and Some Blows. Though his nose had blossomed to fiery redness lie secured a job at a boiu ry. One day lie rushed into tli« ital with his nose smashed. ' Eel did it happen? " exclaimed the "Put my nose through a hole t breath of air. and the striker mis red-hot rivet," was the an The Rivals. Re' tin at on Impire. 1 tell you, madam, if mop ud qnickly th , e may 1" ruined." "Oh, that don't matt lYoman. "my ' usbin " v rdrome.'' Familiarity Breeds Contempt, Me -tha thing up there. Mi Mrs. Bkiggs (calmlj )-. "Onb them German getting a nerf . 31 us. BraKi " rharf .'. 1 thought it wasan'awk afte me chicki Hair Restoring. Wild-eyed man rushing int and doffing his hat: "1 am be bald." he declared. "Indeed." remarked the '" Are vmi mai 1 "No," pursued the man. "but my hah* ps falling out. « something to keep it ii. ■ ." replied tl; 1 have here an 'air-tight ' box " The Friend in Need. 1, b Territorial en awakened the other !oiJ •e demanding. " D ■ ken his lent r " \ rgeanl, ai lit OUt ha ted the " merry " \ i-it . thai In had shown Corporal Jimson !■ 1 :. which the canm himself. The Woman and the Man. Little Mr. Spinks v>:is the huslmnd o a famous picture star, and both present at a large party together. Tin star was being monopolised by a well known man who was one of the or. sta and the hostess tried to wheedle away from him. " Hut I'll introduce you to 3h Spinks." -he added, bj « 1 sola tion. , Mr. Spinks! " ejaculated th one. " Never heard of him. What's famous for ? " "Er well, hiwi: