Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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\\ i ! u RNDINC >9'5 69 PICTURES AND T.'iK PU •!■» hi the desi l • i hovel, w iili ii broken tin nituro and bare, comforl l< ' 1 $n t he bad little time in which to take in l»i-— surroundings, forJacuuej Fortell was not the limn t>> tolerate intruder! in hi home, as he bad alreadj bejruu to impress upon the other with his li-t Perry, however, was quite equal t" the occasion, and, dm wing out hi revolver, h.'Ul the thief a well-known but elusive criminal ;i! I»j ■ Nun your little game is up,"' he re marked with n sneer " Guees [11 have ;i i»ii't t > story for the police! You'll bo able to supply turn information, may^ie, about the Stone well robber) and the Cookson crime and Jacques interrupted him with ;i growl, " Wl'.;it the devil d'yeivsvant?" "Give me tluit girl and i swear I'll not split on j >'ii ! Now ?"' A crj of horror from Jane induced the older woman t>> Blip an affectionate ;irm about her, but there was nothing reassuring in Meg's eyes as the grfmhess iif the situation dawned upon her Feebl) Bhe re mi mst rated with Jacques. fer can't let the girl go like that, "i'ain't ;i it Bhe hadn't bin like our ow d ki.l Hut the onlj answer from Jacques «.i an nglj oath, which -cut a shudder tbr< ugh Jane. " It'. ;i bargain, tlien ?" asked Lloyd Perrj suavely> Hi remark was addressed t" Jacques, but lii eyes were upon the girl, who had rushed hatf-waj up the rickety flight of stairs in a desperate and futile effort to escape! The gang-leader nodded his bead in agree oenl.and there was no demur from Mte& to her the sacrifice of Jane, « hum she had really grown b> k>v£, was better than discovery by the police7, whom She had feared from very babyhood. Five minutes later Jane's unavailing struggles had been subdued and in the arms of her purchaser she was bteiug conveyed to a hired motor, accompanied by Meg and Jacques. A short si'in brought -them to Lloyd Perry's apart ments. and with very little trouble the unhappy girl was borne from the vehicle to the house. Once alone with Perry however, and caged behind the locked doors of his rooms. Jane summoned together all her girlish strength, fighting desperately for release. • Fob cad ! " she cried, with a dry sob in her voice, " if you knew how 1 loathe you '. " " Little fool!" the other sneered, as he held his victim at arm's length with a grip that bruised her slim, white arras. "What's wrong with me? Guess you're a mighty particular bit of goods for the daughter of a pair of thieves! There's many a nicer girl than you would be mighty glad to attract u handsome fellow like me." Jane burned beneath his insults, and, strengthened with indignation, made new efforts to save her woman's honour. A cry for help burst from her lips, and aost instantaneously a hesitating footstep without pained a firmness and haste that brought its possessor to the door in a moment. The first rap was unheeded by Perry. bnt at the second demand he released the girl, and, with an oath, cautiously unlocked the di or, i hioh ».i iwmcdi iiti lj tl 1 1 1 1 •_• open. June eves me) il of the intruder, ■ The minister ' she breal hi d Be 1« the note of appeal in her frightened eyes, and the dishevelled coudil i' 'ii of her clot bee and hair " \\ hat i I be mi mine ,,| 1 1 a t — ? " lie I quiet ly . turning to the mm "Guess it no dan I concern ul j i iura ' came t he iusi ilent replj •• On the other hand, it i verj niuch my affair," -aid the minister, and, in -pile of hi calm tones, there was grim determination in hi fane and mien a he placed himself (irmly between the exhausted girl and her cap! i >r '"Confound ypiu interference," bla/ed the latter, flinging himself against the older niiin in an al tempt to Inn I him from the room. " [f this is to be « quest i"11 of muscle," the minister said, a be Btruck oa( .-qiiarely in defence of Jane, "then I reckon I am as well equipped as your self." And bo it seemed to the Bbivering girl, sole spectator of a scene that won hi nave thrilled any audience to a pitch , ,i excitement Backwardsand forwards the pair swayed ami reeled, equally matched, and each, unsuccessful in every at tempt to overt hron the other Suddenly the elder fell back a few paces under*! heavy blow. The other grinned maliciously, a'nd would have! followed up tlii— master-stroke with other. of equal force had not the minister rushed forward and swung Perry off bis feet with a sudden, deft stroke that finally resulted in his fall. " Art o' that you prie-t-faced devil!" came a drunken growl, and Jane's protector turned to find the doorway blocked by the figures of Meg and Jacques, who had lingered below stairs to prevent any attempt at escape :Qh the part of Jane, which would necessarily break their bargain with Perry and endanger them to discovery by the police. " (Jet him out of here." groaned Perry, badly shaken by his fall. And in answer to the request Jacques I, ii u| the mini I > iid< ■! bj the half* leliicliinl M i ., w hum tin i»igh( ol Jam I lined 11 ud i hi 'i .1 iv mgeuiiil "ii • Kill U || 1 Utile In, lib',. .1 , overthrown, the inomenl ul i Ii ul ^ Ti • ■• i i i.ii and exhau i, • i ul he perrail te I hers -It to be. lifted in t he sti oiih :o in "I her new ii i ud and l" irne dow n i he tail tin -i lei . arid into t he laud uarj i ■! t be W i i hurcli • A in I ho murmured, a i be minister placed her in a cliair and sun iot lied the tangled hail from her t and brow. " Ne\ er w ere \ OU -al'er. ' Ilfl D u i1 her with ,i fatnerl) -mile wondering mechanically as be looked into her pale, strained faoe whether il was an answering -mile that be iw in ber eyes or merely the consciousness of bis smile registered there like an) other thought or sensation. Poor little ghl," he added Thank i I beard your cry. It i an exl inordinary coincidence thai mj rooms should be next d ' to thai blackguard's flat. Tell me how ii happened." Very simply Jane related the story of l: 1 1 v • ud ituiiti hi 1 i h i his discover j of the '* crooks," and his bargain with Meg and Jacques, "Tori -hall never return to them," was his verdict . between clenched teeth. "Oh, ii" I cannot go back you will not let them find me?" Bne entreated. " Never,*' He paused a moment in contemplation, a far-away look in bis eyes. But his quick smile drove all trace of sadness from his face. "1 want you to come and be my daughter, if you will ? " She shook her head in reply. "It is very kind of you, but I cannot possibly do that. I am already more indebted to you than I know how to say." '•'But it is for my sake." he pleaded'. "Listen, I will tell you a story, and you will understand. Twenty years ago " JANL L'NV,,-,-, |.,i i,, Alfr.M. r..D Till. EaOTICS OF A YOUNG P.AKJ3.