Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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Wki k knoinq Oct. 13, 1915 77 PICTUKhS AND THE FlCTUWhGOl !* fVI M No. 7. THE ECCENTRIG BILLER. \\ 'HKN Hector McCluskey McDonaldson Brown First came to our part of the town He boasted i>< 'd capture the people by storm. And it must be admitted it made us feel warm To observe the peculiar prank's Ik d perform With quadrant, six sheeter or crown. He pasted a daybill on private front doors And then as a matter of course Distributed passes to all as he strode And caused some surprise by his curious mode Of fastening bills on the flags in the road And one on the chest of a horse. He posted all day in the snow and the rain, He seemed to have bills on the brain. At last with a maniac glare in his eye He mounted a ladder some forty feet high With the object of sticking a bill on sky So the doctors declared him insane. They sent him away his poor reason to save To a place where they make you behave. One day in a fit of excitement he cried "I'm going to bill my own body — inside !" Then he swallowed two daybills and instantly died And get a free pass to the grave ! BRIAN LAWRENCE. A Chance of a Lifetime. SETS OF BEAUTIFUL HALF-PLATE PHOTOS depicting the principal scenes in "Flying A ;iml •• Beaut) " [traductions sent all applicants mi 11 ceipl 1 'i Postal Order value 6d. "FLYING A" CO., P3r Wardour St., W. Another Great L-KO Comedy with Billie Ritchie. "VENDfeTTA IN A HOSPITAL" 1. K< ) Farce ( 'omodj . Released tio\ . 29th. 1,725ft. appros A comedy with Billie Ritchie is a tiling of laughter and joy for ever, Hew he is again1 in another screaming hospital comedy which ia-funnier -even than '-'-Cupid in a Hospital" which is saying a lot. Give Billie Ritchie a tunny situation to handle, and hell turn it into a goldmine of laughter. His adventures 1 in hospital when !)«• is placed in the adjoin ing ward to his deadly rival, who i an anarchist by profession, provide one long round of riotous mirth. You MUST B66 this great Billie Ritchie Comedy. THE TRANS-ATLANTIC FILM CO, Ltd.. Universal House, 37-39, Oxford St., London, W. 'a soldiers" ASTHMA COMPLETELY CURED BY VENO'S Frivate Swift, of 14, Victoria Cottages, Kew Gardens, Surrey, is now "Somewhere in France," but his wife tells the story of his cure by Veno's Lhjhtnii g Coug-h Cure. She says : — "He hail suffered for years from Baker's Asthma, and never cculd find relief from i.i.lm n \ treatment, though he had been under doct r< and had even attended a hospital. It DSed 1" make my heart ache t.i gee him sometimes, bent nearly double and just gasping for b. Hut Venus eurod him so thoroughly thai he was able last December to join His Majesty's Army, and is now on active seivice." AWARDED GRAND PRIX AND GOLD MEDAL, PARIS HEALTH EXHIBITION, 1010. I , no1! ' y'"' ing I COUCHS AND COLDS, BRONCHITIS, INFLUENZA, LUNG TROUBLES, is the Safest and Surest Remedy for CHILDREN'S COUCHS, ASTHMA, NASAL CATARRH, BAD BREATHINC. m« 2 a bottle tarj«r titer, !/:> and "/-. The .">/ Size is ■''?. Of Chemists and. Stoves in all parts of Che icor'd. Insist o« having 1 ciio's 1 ■ ■■: all sal), titnlcs. V ENQ'S ^ght"ing COUGH CURE