Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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'■ 253 PICTURES A.VD TI!E l • idea bai»i» cle\ md « bile work an. I himself .1 brilliant piuni I m poser 1 f H" mean order, \li. nd\ be has over two hundred 1 11 Wished I t.> his credit. Perfect Pipe and Present. How i" make hard work 11 pleasure t he h.w. in in\ ease I .-in- the pr< duct ion ■ t t his numb 1 1 am an in 1 ■ .1 1 . pipe smoker, ami hearing of tlie Last \\ ord "' pipe I had sense enough nvest in one It is upside dov n, 1 he icoo burning; from the l)ottom the proper «iij for :i pipe t.> burn No, von d.> uot st 01 I on your 1" a*l to smoke it. ami to all appearances it is an ordinal'} and verv niee affair, but in place of waste ami a wet plug mom} and an re tolweco ' Tommj " at the Front can smoke this pi| >■ when ordinarj pipes nre forbidden, because no glow comes from it To all my lad} readers I would say. Bnj your ta\ ourite Ijoj a "1. ist \\ ord " pipe (see advertisement >>n another page] as a stmas present. Pipe-smokers who have no girls to remember them should I'll} and smoke the pipe themselves P. avers' Portraits for Postage. ^ lla\ ■■ you noticed in 1 nr pages tieEdison Company's free offer of three photos of their players for twopence to r postage? If you collect your favourites, this is .1 chance that should not l»' overlooked. Blent ion Pic 1 n.-rwhen you write for them. Do not forget that it' picture postcards of Kim H^^^^ <^^Hj 1/ dl 1 W ' fatjj+fy m w\ 1 Mm MA HENRY AINLEY IN SWEET LAVENDER.'' As Dick Phenyl in this Hepworth product on. Mr. Aiuley is tin lovable, 'tippling barristor of Pinero'a play to the life. islieJ A li from tin \ ( 11 e.n l r pic c a pi 1 In addit ion to J > '■ 1/ '11 adj in. ni 1. ned, I he ideal < lornpan . .in •■■! li ■ '.ii the II. pworth ( ' ponj Pinero'a I rilliant pluj / (W llieh I t. 'Ill VOII aljOlll III II 1 issue) ami another Turner film, ' • I which ran 1. ir year tat the K . I'heat re, I 'Tin last named film was produced b> I. hi j Trimble, and in it rlenrj \ resumes his ■ 'i-iL' pat l . A New Brand in " Mall Mall." li.l fl ton, of the B in I < (' ■ |pany. informs me that he has just 1 cluced 1/ ■ /.'" r/ion I. written by himself and starring Lillian Braithwaite Fay Temple, and A. V Bi imhle This ug sti 'i ■} is the first 1 if a 11 tn be pro Ineeil li\ M i West 1 n I?, ami ('.. an 1 to bo calle I " Pall-Mall" Films. Good lu< k tn him and t h The Alan for British Films. Davison, the British agent, i handling man} ni' tie 'in at any rate. Besides the ' Pali-Mall " series, he tells me he lias secured the " I'ni a .lark ' Fil the first being ITcu'lcquinade a short. I n-ie'ht |iiet me )',,,-( Ihristmastide. Ami 1 it hers, he also has . I Sol 1 i Man 1 B. and ( ' ) and ll< r /.>/. in I " Martin " mone} maker • Srcal < llaus ! my space is gone. F. I> T ILAW Produced by Mr. Cecil Hepworth. By Sir A. Pinero. This charming story, which is the most celebrated of all English plays, has lost nothing in the film version. The acting of Henry Ainley and Alma Taylor is responsible for the fact that this film is classed by the critics as one of the foremost British productions. It will soon be shown all over Britain. Those who desire to renew their acquaintance with the masterpiece, and those who have not had this good fortune, should certainly arrange to see it when shown in their district. H5Y T ^©^TiiT @P MiA®: Everybody loves a stable story, Horses. Racing, Love and Bribery a/e the ingredients of some of the very finest of films and plays. There is an excellent blend of all in this o-reat film. o If yon like good stable stories, here is one of the best ever filmed. Make a note of the name, and don't miss it. RIGHTS CONTROLLED BY . . . THE LONDON INDEPENDENT FILM TRADING COMPANY, Ltd., 4, Dinman Street, London, W. Hj 'PHOxE: 5710 & 5711 Regent. GRAMS: Olofilm, Piocy, London. Iill!l!!l!llll!lllll!llllllllllllllll!!!l!lllllllllll!llllllllllll!!lll!!lll!li:i!llll!l!IH